Part Eight - Harry & Louis - 1991

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"Go, Harry! Go!" Louis yelled as the police man was putting him in the handcuffs. "GO!"

Harry had no other choice but leave Louis and drive away. The other police men shot bullets after him but Harry got away.

"One down, one to go", the police man said as he pushed Louis inside the car. The police man was glad they had caught Louis, the submissive one. It wouldn't be long until they would catch Harry too.

They drove to the police station and Louis was put in a questioning room. A psychiatrist and two police men sat down to talk with him. Louis eyed them and didn't say a word.

"Hi, Louis", the psychiatrist said. "I'm Cecile. I'm here to talk with you."

Louis didn't answer, he just stared at the woman in the eye.

"What do you think of of all the people that have died because of you?" Cecile asked. "Why did they deserve to die?"

Louis narrowed his eyes. "They didn't deserve to live. They didn't have what it takes to survive in this world."

"Is that what Harry told you?" Cecile asked.

Louis didn't answer but held the eye contact.

"You're going to serve a long, long time in prison if you don't give up Harry Styles", one of the police men said. "Tell us where he is."

Louis narrowed his eyes but said nothing.

"Would you like some water?" Cecile asked.

Louis turned his eyes away and stared at the cup near his hand.

"It's right here", Louis said, making no move to place it closer to Cecile so that she could pour water in it. Cecile had to get up and reach out that he could pour the water.

Louis glared at her and she cleared her throat, looking at the police men.

"May I have a word with you?" she said to them and they nodded.

The three of them walked out of the room and Cecile said, "Officers, I don't think Louis is going to turn on Harry."

"Why?" One of the officers asked.

"You said that submissive partner usually—"

"I know what I said", Cecile interrupted, "but listen to him, okay? Look at his behavior. He challenges your dominance by staring you straight in the eye. He doesn't even think to push his glass closer so I can fill it."


"So he is the dominant one, okay? He's calling all the shots. Which means Harry is out there running around without anyone to rein him in."

"What should we do? Things could get pretty ugly when Harry is without Louis", one of the police men asked.

"I have an idea", said the third police who walked up to them.

"Do share it, officer Horan", Cecile said.

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