Chapter 11

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My heart was speeding a million time faster than normal as I paced back and forth in the living room. Sam hasn't spoken a single word to me since last night. She said that she needed to cool off her head first before she musters up the strength to talk to me about the scenarios that she just witnessed last night. I should be readying for work right now but instead, I was nervously pacing back and forth in our living room, wearing my sweat pants. It's even a miracle that I didn't get hangover when I woke up. Maybe I was just far too terrified to have a hangover.

My mind took a turn from worrying about Sam to that little scene I had with Vic. Coming to think of it, it felt like it wasn't me who was there last night. Was it really me who was deciding for my actions or was it the alcohol? The thought of me kissing another man made me sick to my guts and for a second there I thought I was finally going to puke out the contents of my grumbling stomach. As if on instinct, I draped an arm around my stomach and as the other free hand instantly slapped my quivering lips. Was I really feeling sick for the fact that I just.. Kissed a man? My mind pushed me off to that sudden realization and as quickly as I could, I ran up the stairs and to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach. I finally felt light-headed and it is as if my whole world was a wobbly mess. I pushed away some strands of hair away from my eyes as I once again aimed for the toilet. I sat there for a couple of minutes on the cold, tiled floor of the bathroom, trying to gather up my thoughts. What have I done? It's like all the values and morals that I have was suddenly gone, causing me to do such foolish acts. Before we moved in here, I never drank alcohol, I never went to bars, I always play by the rules, I obeyed every single little directions of my parents and most especially, I take God's name by heart. This is so unlike me. It's like the city took away all my morals and my common sense and dumped it somewhere else.

I pushed myself off from the floor and went in front of the mirror and the sink. I cupped the water to my shaky palms and splashed it to my face, doing it repeatedly. Once I got myself calm, and I felt refresh after brushing my teeth, I went down to go to the kitchen so that I could get myself some breakfast.

Once I entered the fairly big kitchen, I saw Sam sitting in her usual chair in the dining area.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. I had a little too much alcohol last night and I swear I really didn't want to k-"

"Kellin, why are you even apologizing?" She paused for a while causing for my eyebrows to knit together. "I saw everything. I saw what Vic did to you. He initiated the-" She once again paused and coughed awkwardly. "..the kiss. It's clearly not your fault." She explained as she pushed herself away from the table and went straight to my direction. She swung her arms to my neck as she continued speaking. "That man is a spawn of the devil. Last night was the first time that I saw him and I do not know why you're friends with him but, he clearly is up to no good. I'm sure that he's even the one who pushed you to this drinking habit. And to top it all off, everyone who was here last night seems like they were cheering on to what that guy was doing. It seemed like they were persuading him to carry on with his devilish acts."

I suddenly felt horrible now. I felt horrible for Vic. Of course Sam saw the part when Vic grabbed me and collided his lips to mine but what she didn't hear is that little thing that I told Vic in the latter part of the scenario. Vic stopped the kiss right before I get a chance to respond to it but being in the drunken state of mind, I reassured him and lead him on to another kiss. A kiss where we both were all too willing to share.

"Don't worry, alright? I'm going to make sure that he's not going to be able to lay another finger on you anymore." Sam said as she tore my attention away from the mixed up thoughts that I was having. She smiled at me sweetly and kissed my cheek.

I got in to work for about thirty minutes late. I didn't care though. I walked in, expecting for an angry Mr. Biggs to show up in front of me and to yell on my face. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind my tardiness. He just told me that it shouldn't happen again and as long as I continue doing great with my work, we should be in good terms.

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