Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Styx was a beautiful city.

Perhaps my favorite.

It grew every year as more and more creatures immigrated and plugged in roots. There were over sixty different districts, all home to specific social classes. From busy shopping districts to redlight districts, from the poor rundown docks to the high-class manors with long driveways and acres of property. The sound of music from every corner of the world, the hot spicy smells of cooked meat and warm fresh bread combined with the greasy street food passed out by vendors. Even with the weather colder than usual, people were still out and about, traveling to shops or work.

While I certainly couldn't establish a connection with anyone, it still felt like I was less alone surrounded by this many people. Even if I could not interact with them. I didn't even mind the occasional shove or bump from another patron.

I made my way through the center of town toward Theo's huge mansion just on the shoreline of the River Styx. His mansion was a fascinating combination of modern and gothic. Narrow arched windows, but sleek black stone and a flat roof. No guards stood at the front door, and why should they? Theo was terrifying enough on his own that most people tended to avoid him if they could.

I entered through the front door into a small foyer where only a couple of small black tufted armchairs and a front desk sat. Occupying the front desk was one of Theo's newer attendants, a small imp with pale grey-blue hair and bright blue eyes. He was tiny and fragile looking in appearance, but unlike most imps that smiled and greeted everyone cheerfully, this one eyed me warily and stayed behind the front desk as I approached.

"I'm here to see Lord Theo. My name is Rowan," I greeted. The imp nodded timidly and quickly turned to the computer, struggling to use the thing so he could look up Theo's schedule.

"He's free today," the imp said softly, "But not for long. Ah, but, Yiuwa is free all day. I will call for him to come see you." I nodded and stepped back, glancing at the imp, who picked up the phone and had to make several attempts to dial Yiuwa in before he hung up, looking incredibly frustrated with himself.

Imps had been free in Hades for a while now, but a lot of them were struggling to find their place in the world. They were so accustomed to being bought and sold, used as slaves, that when it came to actually participating in society, they were scared and confused by all the technology they were forced to use. Most of them remained cheerful anyway, but this one appeared to be buckling under the pressure.

I would have to stay clear of him.

I looked up at the sound of footsteps coming into the foyer. Yiuwa was walking down the hallway and entering the room. A shiver went up my spine as he approached me with a warm smile on his face.

Yiuwa was this... ancient being, the first creature to be cursed with the Beast in all of time itself. His race and species no longer existed, so he was a unique being in this universe. While his features were similar to those who made their home in East Asia, there was still something otherworldly to him. His almond shaped piercing yellow eyes that gleamed like gold coins. His long silky black hair was coiled into a loose bun, strands still flying freely over his shoulders and down his back. He was massive as well, so tall and muscular. His skin was a rich shade of caramel and black stubble was beginning to form on his jaw. He was built for raw power, and I had this brief image of him on top of me.

I wouldn't mind spending a night with him.

"Rowan," he greeted me warmly. And his accent wasn't bad either. Indistinguishable considering its origins, but incredibly sexy with strong vowels and Rs that rolled off the tip of his tongue.

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