Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"The curse is gone."

I couldn't breath as those words sank in.

Lea stood across from me, her brilliant blue eyes searching me, her hands held out in front of her, crossed, just over my chest. Her long thickly curled black hair was done up in a ponytail that flowed down her back, and she wore a bright summer romper with a halter top design, her flip flops tapping on the floor. She cocked her head from side to side, as if trying to see past something before she shook her head and lowered her arms.

"There's no curse attached to your soul. I checked it over twice. You've got a clean bill of uncursedness... Uncursed-edness? Lack of cursing," Lea furrowed her brow in a scowl, clearly unsure of the proper term before she shook her head and flashed me an award winning smile, "Basically, you're not cursed anymore, sweetie. Congratulations!" I didn't know what to say. Just sat there, staring at her, then the floor as I tried to come to terms with something that had plagued me my entire life.

In fact, now that she mentioned the lack of a curse, something inside me felt lighter. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my very soul and I could breathe again. I felt free and airy, and I wasn't entirely sure what to do with it, until my eyes shifted to Yiuwa, who stood beside me with a look of euphoria on his face. Seeing that beautiful smile, his yellow eyes glowing with happiness, melted me on the spot and he knew exactly what I needed in that moment.

He reached out, cupping my face in his hands and giving me a deep kiss before pulling back to brush his thumb over my bottom lip, leaving me hungry for more.

"Aw," Lea gushed, putting her hands to her cheeks and turning to look at Hades, who rolled his eyes, "Isn't that cute? That's so cute. Everything is so cute right now."

"What are you, pregnant already?" Hades demanded, putting his hands on his hips. Lea gave him a secret smile.

"Working on it."

"Ew, no, stop."


"What'll the hybrid think if you get knocked up with his baby whatever?"

"I want my Hannibaby to have brothers and sisters, just like you and Lucifer. I love watching your children interact and I think that's what Hannibal needs right now."

"Yeah, I can think of something else he needs-- Umph!" Hades grunted when Lea elbowed him in the gut and she turned to look at me with another smile while Hades rubbed at his stomach and glared at Lea in debate of elbowing her back. Instead, he settled for simply glaring.

"I can feel your laser eyes on the back of my head," Lea said without looking at him and still smiling sweetly and this time, Hades actually stuck his tongue out like a child and Lea laughed, "Anyway, I'm glad you're doing great, honey. Just take it easy anyway, though, but I'm sure Hades already told you that. I've gotta head back home. I have a fiance who's eager to spend some time with me too." With that, she gave us a wave and vanished on the spot.

"Joy," Hades deadpanned, then shook his head and approached me, giving me a quick scan up and down, "And your physical health is as good as its gonna get considering your heart was literally ripped out of your chest. So congrats on your immortality and shit." I smiled at that. Hades went to pick up the clipboard on the end of my hospital bed to give it a quick look over as I slid off the bed onto the cold tiled floor. I padded over to where my clothing was draped over a chair and took it into the bathroom to change.

It felt surreal, I thought as I stepped into my jeans. Not having the curse weighing on my soul. To have things going over so smoothly like this. It was unbelievable. And honestly, not that everything was somewhat in a good place... I had no idea what to do with it. I'd spent so long avoiding others that I was unsure what to do now that I was surrounded by people.

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