Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I woke up feeling nauseous.

I grimaced, reaching up a heavy arm so I could dig my knuckles against my eyes. I blinked my eyes open, then froze when I spotted Yiuwa sleeping next to me, mostly naked with just a pair of underwear on. I turned my head and stared up at the ceiling. A quick scan of the room confirmed that we were, indeed, still in Yomi, in Tsukuyomi's home.

And we'd spent the night fucking.

Thank the fucking gods Tsukuyomi worked the night shift because nothing would be more awkward than explaining to your host why you decided to use his place as a brothel.

A little embarrassed, frustrated, and tired, I sat up slowly, grimacing at the ache in my lower back and hips. I rolled over, rising to my feet slowly and as quietly as I could. Thankfully, Yiuwa appeared to be a heavy sleeper. He rolled over, and would've dropped his arm on me if I'd still been sleeping there, and he dragged my pillow against himself with a sleepy sigh. I shook my head at the childish move and slipped into the bathroom, this time skipping the bathtub and just rinsing down.

Fuck, that hadn't gone as I had planned, but whatever, at least I'd done it. I slept with Yiuwa and it had been so worth the awkward date beforehand. I was satisfied with the night. I hadn't felt this achy from fucking in a long time. And when I'd stood up, the nauseous feeling had faded. I felt oddly renewed.

In fact, once I'd showered, I felt incredible for the first time in months. All the energy that had been sucked from me while feeding Simon felt like it had all come roaring back. And a quick glance in the mirror confirmed that my eyes had returned to black.

I started to leave the bathroom, then froze when I realized something odd.

I stepped back in front of the mirror and cocked my head, exposing my neck. While there were plenty of hickeys, there was one in particular that did not look right. In fact, the closer I looked, the more I realized it was not a fucking bruise. It was some kind of marking. Small, but not out of sight. It was black, tribal in design, with two black dots that looked neatly spaced apart. Like perhaps about the distance between a pair of fangs.

What the fuck.

I reached up to rub at the mark, but it didn't come off. In fact, it seemed to turn darker when I did that, so I stopped immediately. I blinked, stepping back to stare at the mark in the mirror, unsure what to make of it.

What the hell was going on. I knew for a fact we hadn't gone to get tattoos. Not my style. Yet the mark looked about the size of a mouth, the dots the same distance as a pair of fangs. So it had been caused by a bite, and the only person who'd bitten me there had been Yiuwa. Had he done it knowingly?

I knew you were special.

A spark of outrage rushed through me.

I spun around and went into the bedroom where Yiuwa was still curled up around my pillow. I brought my foot down on his hand, however, and he growled in his sleep. He blinked his eyes open and yanked his hand back, looking around in bewilderment until he saw me. And when he craned his neck to look at me, I caught sight of a matching mark on his throat.

"What the fuck did you do?" I demanded. Yiuwa appeared confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't fuck with me," I snapped and Yiuwa looked annoyed now as he sat up, reaching up to rake a hand through his hair, pushing it back out of his face and off his shoulders.

"I'm not fucking anymore," he said dryly, to which I responded with nothing more than a huh of disbelief, "Could you please describe to me what ails you? One moment you were quite friendly and the next you are waking me up rather rudely."

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