Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Simon had been correct, of course.

The next morning, I felt as if my muscles had turned to jelly, my hips felt like they'd been broken in two places, my pelvis ached, and my arms felt sore from being trapped in the same uncomfortable positions. On the upside, at least Simon knew what to do after he'd fed.

He'd carried me upstairs to my room and deposited me on my bed, wrapped me in a heated blanket and went to the bathroom to start brushing his teeth and scrubbing his skin so hard it turned red. But at least he wasn't starving anymore. His color came back bright and warm, his eyes sparkled, his strength returned full force, and he was doing just dandy. Physically anyway. Mentally, I knew he was in agony. He hated using me when he was starving, and very rarely did it. He'd only done it one other time and never again, until last night anyway. It drained me, but it would help him significantly. He'd be able to go another two weeks, maybe even three, given that my energy was more than that of an average demon.

But he loathed using me. Because I was a male, because I was his friend, because the one he truly wanted was Aasimah, and because I was going to be weak for a couple days as I recovered my own strength.

On the upside, at least I'd gotten something out of the deal. I'd managed to work off some of my own stress in the process and while my body was sore, I felt strangely at peace as I laid under the warm blanket, staring sleepily up at the ceiling. I could hear the shower running, the sound of a shampoo bottle falling followed by Simon's angry curse at the thing.

My phone rang on the nightstand and I rolled over, reaching out to pick it up, seeing Yiuwa's name on the ID. I cleared my throat to get rid of the hoarseness before I answered.

"Good morning," I greeted softly.

"Hello," came Yiuwa's warm accent rolling through my ears, and goddamn it, I'd just spent the last twelve hours being fucked so hard that my ass actually throbbed from it, and yet my cock decided it was going to play snake in a basket and perk up, "I have spoken to Theo. He's reached out to his contact in Yomi and we have been given a base to work from while we are there. It is my hope that we leave perhaps this afternoon."

"That sounds excellent. I'll be prepared. Does this contact have a way to allow us into Yomi without being tagged by the dōsojin?" I asked, referring to the generic term placed on gods that tended to protect borders.

"Indeed. In fact, our contact has a direct line to both Izanami and Susanoo."

"Is that so? Alright, then I'll make sure to be ready. I'll meet you in the foyer at Theo's place today at noon."

"Wonderful. See you soon, Rowan." Click. I paused, staring at the phone.

See you soon, Rowan. I had no idea why that had given me goosebumps. I sighed heavily, tossing my phone on the side of the bed and rolling over to bundle up in the blankets. I could hear the shower shut off, listened to Simon's footsteps as he came into the room, wearing a towel around his waist.

"You're still going?" Simon asked, his voice a gruff growl.

"I have a job to do," I replied calmly, making him scoff.

"Yeah, except you're weak right now. Change the date, go tomorrow."

"Can't. Time is of the essence. The sooner we retrieve these tablets, the sooner we should be able to relay the information to Tristan to sing the chant to--"

"Yeah, yeah, that's great and all, but in case you're forgetting, the Shifter is also after you. It's going to start gunning at you hardcore if it knows you're unprotected in a foreign land."

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