Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"This isn't really necessary."

"Nonsense. I enjoy doing this."

I said nothing as I watched Yiuwa adjust the hospital bed I was laying in so it fit perfectly in his room, replacing his old bed that he'd moved to another room. He'd gone out of his way to rearrange his own bedroom in Theo's mansion so I would be comfortable, going as far as to switch his bed out with a double hospital bed, moving in a whole set of emergency surgery equipment and medications in case there were any complications due to the Xios attack before my kidnapping.

But all I could do was sit there helplessly, watching Yiuwa move quickly around the room, moving things from point A to point B. Even though he looked pleased being able to help, there was still a gnawing guilt inside me.

My mobility was severely limited. Not even a wheelchair was an option at this point, not with my arm the way it was. According to Hades, they would need to rebreak it in a week in order for it to set correctly, because right now it was bent inwards so it was cradled in a sling and some bones needed to heal in a specific manner.

The only two things making the entire situation bearable was Yiuwa and the meds Hades told me I would need for a couple days through IV.

My eyes followed Yiuwa as he studied the nightstand to make sure it was close enough so I wouldn't need to lay on my arm to get to it. His long black hair was pulled up into a ponytail with a side braid that disappeared into it, his bangs side swept across his forehead. His dark brows were pulled down in concentration over his piercing yellow eyes that glowed like the sun. He was wearing a simple blue button up with rolled up sleeves and black jeans, his cell phone poking out of one of his back pockets. It beeped a few times to indicate someone was texting him, but he didn't appear to notice as he went back to work fluttering around the room.

Every so often, a servant would come into the room to do some checks to make sure Yiuwa had everything he needed, and myself as well. Eventually, one of them wheeled in a huge cart with steaming hot food that made my stomach growl.

"I thought I was supposed to have liquids," I murmured, watching the food come around to my side of the bed. Yiuwa beamed.

"Liquids, not plain liquids. I had the chefs do some research to find things that would best suit your tastes and your injuries. I hope you like squash soup," he added, moving to the cart. I smiled at that, watching as the servant backed away to let Yiuwa inspect the meal. He lifted a couple tray lids off and set them aside, and for some... strange, stupid reason, I saw the rotten moldy meat and bread I'd been eating for the past few months. I could practically smell the sickly sweet stench clawing at my nostrils, see the maggots wriggling and thrashing in the green and black ridges.

Vomit rolled straight up my throat and into my mouth before I could stop it, making me choke and hunch forward, my hand flying over my mouth.

"Rowan! Grab a bowl," Yiuwa ordered. The servant snatched a bowl from the cart and tossed it in my lap, just as my lips gave up the fight and vomit poured past my lips into the container. I choked and gasped for breath, Yiuwa coming over to brush the hair back from my face so it didn't get caught up in the mess. I glanced at him gratefully and he just smiled grimly, then placed a hand on my back to rub slow soothing circles.

Once I was finished, the servant took the bowl away quickly and Yiuwa grabbed a damp towel to wipe at my mouth. Unnerved by the action, I took it from him and wiped my mouth myself, coughing and clearing my throat of the burning bile.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, "I didn't mean for that to happen... I just..." My voice trailed as I glanced back at the food on the trays. They were normal. Just plain bowls of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash soup, a few other kinds of soup, some pudding and jello. It actually looked, and smelled, like a pleasant meal, yet my stomach quaked in fear at the thought of eating.

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