Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Your eyes changed color."

I said nothing as Yiuwa and I walked behind Tsukuyomi, making our way down the street, heading out of town so we could go to Tsukuyomi's house in the mountains. We continued to walk, our wooden sandals clacking on the stone path. All around us, people were chatting away in soft voices, laughing, making jokes, eating and enjoying the excitement.

Yiuwa was walking beside me, his eyes locked on the path ahead, but his brow was furrowed, his eyes dark with concern.

"Rowan. You're not a shadow anymore," he said, stating the obvious. I didn't answer, again. Because what the hell was I supposed to say? Agree with him and reveal something that bothered me to the extreme and was probably something for him to celebrate? Disagree and blatantly lie to him? That would only anger him. So I decided to safely avoid answering, not that that was any better, because I could see his jaw flexing with irritation.

"I know shadows can be cured, but I assumed it was a complicated process," he said, keeping his voice low. We had no idea how much Theo had told Tsukuyomi, if I was a shadow or not. Perhaps Tsukuyomi assumed and was feigning ignorance about the whole thing. There was no way he hadn't noticed my eyes weren't black anymore. As for the kitsune, they hadn't known. They'd thought my eyes were green right off the bat, it was why they chose the colors that they had. Because it made my green eyes even more obvious. And even worse... the glow was back.

"They're glowing," Yiuwa said, as if I had no idea what my eyes did.



"I don't want to discuss it right now. We'll talk about it when we have privacy."

"Fine." He was definitely annoyed now. We walked in silence, following Tsukuyomi as he led us out of town and we ended up walking through another portal that transported us deep into the mountains. The trees were tall and narrow with roots that went everywhere like spiderwebs on the ground, though a steady path had been carved through from centuries of people walking along the same place. It smelled fresh and crisp, piny, and there was a very light fog in the air.

It was also darker here. Or, at least, it was to everyone else. While Tsukuyomi appeared to be lighting small pathway lights as we walked so we could see where we were going, I had no problem walking along the trail. I could see the creatures that lurked in the trees. A few yokai were moving around, watching us with fascination and curiously. A couple of oni paused to investigate us from a distance before moving on. Foxes, squirrels, other rodents and even a few deer here and there. The forest was quiet, but very much alive.

Up ahead, a three story pagoda style home came into view. Hip-gabled roofs, classic wood paneling, with gorgeous well-kempt gardens. The house was already lit up and ready for occupiers. Tsukuyomi led the way into the main entryway where we removed our shoes and entered the rest of the home. Tsukuyomi took us around a corner and led us up some stairs to the second floor.

"Your room will be in here," Tsukuyomi said, opening a sliding door and gesturing inside, "I should hope you find it most comfortable. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. It is getting late, so I must leave to perform my duties. I shall return once the sun rises at five or six." We nodded, stepping inside and letting him close the door behind us. A small closet opened up to reveal the futons, pillows, and blankets. A small table was set up in the corner, a low set desk, a bookshelf, a flat screen television. It was comfortable enough.

I immediately went to take a futon out, because I was fucking exhausted from last night and the fact that something was wrong with my shadow abilities. In fact, I felt even more drained now than I had earlier. The walk here had done nothing to help. I shook out the futon and laid it out on the floor, grabbing blankets and pillows to set up.

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