Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I didn't move a muscle.

I stood absolutely still as I faced Sin, who narrowed his eyes on me, his claws flexing much like a cat's would. Across from him, Yiuwa's red eyes blazed and he lunged for Sin first, who swung around and caught Yiuwa against him, throwing him aside. Sin used the momentum of pushing Yiuwa away to go after me.

I narrowed my eyes, feeling Tsu back up to get out of the way. I flung my hand out and caught Sin right in the face, sending him ass over heels backwards into a cabinet full of medical supplies. Sin slid down and hit the ground, panting hard with rage. He came after me again, but I vanished from where I was standing, reappearing behind him and drawing my hand back, slamming it into his back, releasing an explosion of power that propelled him across the room and into a bunch of shelves full of glass that spilled fluids and innards everywhere.

As Sin recovered, I could hear Yiuwa growing behind me and cursed. I swung around in time for Yiuwa to grab me around the waist. I gasped out in pain at his crushing grip around me like a fucking boa constrictor. The ribs whined and my lungs wheezed. I coughed and gasped for air, swinging my elbow around to catch Yiuwa in the jaw, knocking his head back. His grip on me loosened and I immediately let my body morph, so it darkened and faded until I could blend in with the shadow by the countertop.

Yiuwa howled, grabbing around for me, his red eyes darting everywhere, but his search for me was interrupted when Sin launched at him again, this time taking him down by the shoulders. As Sin pinned him down, I reformed behind him and grabbed the nearest thing to me, raising it up over my head and bringing it down on Sin's. Sin yelped like a struck puppy, blinking in disbelief before sliding off of Yiuwa to clutch his head.

Yiuwa blinked rapidly, and I watched his eyes flash from yellow to red, then back again. He looked confused, bewildered, as he stared up at me. I glanced at him, then turned to Sin, who also seemed to be recovering from not only the whack to the head, but his curse as well. He stared at me in confusion, then scowled.

"Who the fuck are you?" He demanded, then seemed to realize where he was. Suddenly, the malice was gone. The raw gnawing hatred of the beast faded. And in its place was an incredibly terrified male the size of a fucking bull. He scrambled away and backed up until he was against the wall, trembling violently, his eyes bouncing around all over the place.

"Wh-What's going on? Who are you?" He demanded. Before I could speak, I was stunned when Tsukuyomi finally stepped forward. He got down into a crouch so he was meeting Sin at eye level, and those stormy gray eyes focused with sniper accuracy.

"It's okay," Tsukuyomi said gently, "My name is Tsukuyomi. This is Rowan and Yiuwa. I'm afraid you're recovering from an episode with your beast."

"M-M-My what?" Sin stuttered, his deep gravelly voice unlike any I'd ever heard.

Wait, no. I had heard it before.

By a voice that had screamed so much that it had blown out his voice box.

My stomach cramped at the memory, at the fact that Sin's voice was permanently damaged from screaming, probably because he'd been tortured.

"Your beast," Tsukuyomi repeated, and when Sin simply stared at him in fearful confusion, Tsukuyomi frowned, "Your curse. You were cursed with the Beast."

"What are you talking about?" Sin asked incredulously. Behind us, Yiuwa was rising to his feet and Sin immediately backed up further against the wall, and I noted the way he stayed crouched down low to the ground, like he was protecting every part of him. I'd seen this reaction in a lot of slaves, and a lot of rape victims. My stomach knotted at that as I swung my eyes to Yiuwa, who frowned.

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