Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"I fucking hate shadows!"

I said nothing as I stood by, watching Theo throw one of his world class temper tantrums. He stood at the end of the stone path that once led to his extravagant black mansion, which was now nothing more than a pile of black rock and rubble with smoke plumes still sailing up into the sky as the last of the fires went out.

At his side, Adonis was staring at the mess with a peeved stare, decked out once again like a sexy biker on the cover of a romance novel, especially with that wavy blonde hair swept back from his face. Standing beside him was Yiuwa, looking distraught at the mess that lay of their home.

"Why did they attack you?" Yiuwa asked, turning to Theo, who glared at him and gave him an I don't fucking know shrug with his arms out, but Adonis gave Yiuwa a droll stare.

"Probably something to do with the fact that Theo wiped out a shit ton of them earlier in the week."

"I'm supposed to wipe them out!" Theo exclaimed incredulously. Adonis inclined his head.

"Exactly. They just saw it from your point of view."

"Ugh," Theo shouted, stomping his foot like a petulant child, turning to pin the remains of his home with a long glare before making a whining sound. He spun around and went to Adonis, thumping his head on Adonis's chest. Adonis's smile was award-winning as he put his arms around Theo and held him close and Theo wrapped his arms around his waist, muttering something incoherent and whatever it was made Adonis chuckle and pat him on the head.

"Have we captured anyone this time?" Yiuwa asked, turning to look over at the authorities, who were casing the area and putting up bright red police tape. Theo stepped back from Yiuwa to sigh.

"Nobody alive," he said, and when Adonis opened his mouth, Theo elbowed him in the gut and made him grunt, "And it wasn't my fault. It was my Beast. He got a little overexcited. Fucking sue me, the guys apparently taste like chicken." Yiuwa gave him an odd look.

"Your beast communicated that to you?"

"No. I just like chicken."

"Okay," Yiuwa said slowly, turning away from him and looking at me, "Do you think perhaps this has to do with Uriel?" I frowned and Theo gave me a curious stare.

"Uriel? As in, like, the Lucifer-wannabe that Michael booted out of Heaven like a few months ago? Or was that a year ago. What fucking day is it," Theo demanded, turning around to look at everyone around us. Adonis took out his phone to literally check the day and Theo shoved the phone at him, making Adonis smirk. Their play was almost adorable... and something I found myself incredibly envious of.

"Yes, that Uriel," I answered, distracting myself with a glance up at the rubble, "And... Perhaps. It's uncertain at the moment. I'm not sure if Uriel is truly stupid enough to attack the same place twice, but then, if his goal was to enrage Hades, he chose a good target."

"Why my fucking place," Theo complained, "Why not Charon's? He's used to his house being blown to smithereens. Or Malachi. Malachi's place is ugly."

"Yes, but you're the son of Hades with a beast," I replied, "You're a more vulnerable target." There was also the fact that, even though Theo would probably never admit it or see it the way others did, Theo was still the weakest of Hades's sons. Not in terms of power or intelligence, certainly not, but his mental state was still in repair mode, and despite having two younger brothers after him, Theo was still the baby of the family. Even his younger brothers tended to baby him.

"Vulnerable my ass," Theo grumbled, folding his arms over his chest and pouting, "Fucking ripped their damn heads off. I'll show those assholes who's vulnerable. Break their goddamn arms off and use 'em as baseball bats for their fucking heads!" The last word was shouted and people glanced over warily. Theo glared at them and Adonis just put an arm around him.

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