Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

It was two in the morning as I sat scrolling through YouTube when I heard the thump on my porch. The sound echoed through the house and the forest outside.

I frowned, turning away from my desktop computer to stare across the room at the sliding glass doors that led out to the porch where it appeared that my lounger was smashed to pieces on the ground. I slowly stood up from my chair at my desk and padded across the room through the living room and kitchen to the doors, looking outside.

I froze at the sight of a naked female on my porch.

For a full moment, I decided that I was finally hallucinating. They claimed loneliness would eventually reach levels of insanity, but such a thing had never happened to me and I waited impatiently to at least have visions to talk to. But then I realized I was not human and the studies were done with human test subjects, and therefore did not apply to creatures like me.

So there really was a naked female laying on my porch.

I slowly slid the glass door open and stepped outside into the cool breezy summer night, turning on the back porch light to illuminate the mess. Sure enough, the female had apparently fallen from the fucking sky and landed on my lounger hard enough to smash the plastic thing to pieces. And she was surprisingly uninjured, upon closer inspection.

Actually, she was quite lovely. An exquisite female made with round hips and a small waist, heavy breasts meant to overfill one's palms, her skin a soft shade of olive. Her hair fell in lovely black waves around her shoulders, her bangs framing her face that was long, but sexy and mature. Her fingernails were all perfectly manicured, her skin unblemished. And she was tall too, very tall, perhaps about my height, not an easy feat.

I looked around for a moment, listening to the silence of the forest around me. Only insects chirped and chattered in the night. I looked back down at the female with a frown. She was unconscious. She would have no idea where she was, as this realm had long been abandoned by its creators in search of better opportunities in other realms.

I walked outside and knelt down, brushing the hair back from her face, cocking my head so I could study her. She was breathing just fine. No internal injuries that I could sense. I debated leaving her there, or perhaps dumping her off somewhere else, but something told me that would be a bad idea. So I slid my arms under her and hoisted her up off the ground, turning and carrying her inside. I had no clothing that would suit her, but I settled on just giving her one of my shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

I laid her out in my bed and went to fetch her some water and some crackers.

As I sat by her bedside for hours, watching her sleep, I felt something strange settle over me. A familiarity to her presence that I hadn't felt in millennia. I recognized it and grew wary at having her in my home. It had been a long time since the Source had hacked up another creature, and this one gave me the same sense that Xiphrus, Joxeia, and Geara had given me.

This one had come from the same deep place in the Source.

And it had turned out, she was my aunt, if you wanted to use modern terms to describe her.

She was fascinated and curious about everything once she'd woken up. And by then, I had already determined who she was and why she was here. I'd done my own research and come to the conclusion, and judging from my research, she was soon to be followed by one of the greatest threats the universe would ever face.

So I taught her what she needed to know. It started with the basics. Showering, working the coffee machine, watching television, and gods, did she watch a lot of television, not that I was one to talk. My entire life was spent in loneliness, but to ease it, I had come to fall in love with film of all kind. I had seen every television show in existence, from mortal ones to non-mortal ones, from older ones to newer ones. I'd watched every movie I could and kept an extensive collection of all my favorites.

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