Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

My brain was broken.

That was the only thing I could use to describe how I felt in that moment as I laid on the crisp Oriental rug, my broken naked body exposed to the eyes around me, including the ones that had once been such a vibrant shade of yellow and now were as black as sin.

"Be my guest," the Shifter continued in response to Yiuwa, who rose to his feet to look down at me, my eyes following me as I struggled to keep up with what was going on, "I've been doing it for nearly a month now." Yiuwa gave it a droll stare.

"I had him screaming within minutes. Maybe you're doing something wrong," he said, making the Shifter smirk.

"Well, we definitely made sure to give him special attention in all areas, but still not a sound, unless you call choking sounds, and I'm getting a little bored with the dry heaves as well," it explained with a shrug. Yiuwa shook his head, then looked down at me. His eyes weren't yellow anymore. They didn't shine and glimmer with kindness. There was no warmth and friendliness there. It was cold black darkness that was soul deep.

I blinked a couple times, still unable to wrap my head around what was going on here.

Yiuwa. Yiuwa, the creature from another universe, the first carrier of the Beast. The male who saved Theo, served him and protected him, who greeted imps with a smile. The male who went to the butterfly garden with me and kept a silly mixtape from a music museum. The male who held me in a way no other person ever had, who weaseled his way past my defenses and broke down all the walls, who wrung the truth from me when no one else could.

It looked like him. Incredibly tall, so muscular, angular features and his stubble had turned more into a beard now. He wore a black leather jacket over a matching v-neck and jeans, tall black boots. His long inky hair was done up in a ponytail out of his face. Except those eyes weren't sunshine yellow; they were as dark as night.

What's going on?

I glanced at Uriel, who stood there with his arms folded over his chest, his expression nothing, but grim amusement. I looked back down at the floor.

This isn't real.

"Do we know who's involved with the skies of the god yet?" The Shifter asked, turning to Yiuwa, who smiled a little.

"Not exactly, but I heard there was someone who did," he pointed out, then turned and looked down at me, nudging my chin with the toe of his boot. I shuddered and shut my eyes, feeling like my lungs were having difficult pumping air in and out. I shrank down onto the floor, scraping my nails into the rug fibers.

"Figures," the Shifter said dryly, "He is quite a know-it-all. I suppose all those years on his own were quite boring. He had to do something. Like stick his nose where it doesn't belong." Yiuwa shrugged, then looked at Uriel.

"Return him to the dungeon, but switch his cell. Ward B," he added. Uriel inclined his head, coming over and reaching down to yank me up by the arm. I seethed in pain, then peered up at Yiuwa, who watched me with dark deadly eyes. I swallowed thickly.

"Yiuwa, I don't understand--"

"What's there to be confused about? Is seeing the truth better than my dying? Or," Yiuwa paused, glancing at the Shifter, who smirked, "What did you tell him? Chopping me up into pieces and feeding him the leftovers?"

"We followed up with some raw meat," the Shifter answered, as if that made things better. Yiuwa's lips twitched in a smile, like he found the torture amusing. I didn't know what to say at that point. I felt tongue tied, at a loss for words, utterly confused.

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