Clones these days...

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Heyy guys!!!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Being dragged is fun, I tell you that. Right now, I'm too tired to walk, so, Nathan is dragging me home on his skateboards. How nice of him? I know, but the truth is, he's using this as an excuse to see Liz. Lovers these days. So, he's dragging me, and I'm boring him with my dark themed songs.

"(N/n), you should stop hanging out with that blue bear and hat guy, you're getting fat and..... evil?" Nathan said. I rolled my eyes, continuing my singing. Just as Nathan took me to my doorstep, I ran inside, through the house and straight to my room, Jack and Jill jumped on me and licked me. I played with them for a while as I changed into a loose shirt and pants.

Wanting to see what my villainous friends are up to, I exited my house taking Jack and Jill with me. Valentine's ball and easter day were fun, kinda but it's been a while since then and we are back to our normal lives. Entering Black Hat's land, I walked up to the hat mansion and went inside opening the door myself.

Walking through the halls, Blu came running to me with a frightened expression. He picked me up. Jack and Jill barked as I yelped, surprised. Blu took me to the lab, running like an ostrich, Jack and Jill following. Blu put me down and pushed me in. What I saw was the most weirdest thing ever. Flug was standing beside two Black Hats and there was a giant Black Hat who looked scary and..... almost like a gorilla. Then there was a little Black Hat who looks......... weird and.... disfigured? I just shook my head and doing that, my gaze fell on a remote like thingy. I walked up behind Flug and took it. Just now noticing the........ extremely muscular Flug saying something in a weirdish tone. The two Black Hats looked at each other and Flug was weirded out. And, the fun thing, this is being recorded.

The small Black Hat was eating a..... sandwich. I smiled.

"The most scariest thing I could think of is a kind Black Hat, just imagine him being nice.......... it would be... weird, but adorable" I said pressing the button. Everyone screamed no at me, but it was too late, the harm was already done, oh well.

A Black Hat appeared but different. His outfit was white instead of Black. His skin was grey but lighter then the original Black Hat's grey. His teeth were white, but sharp. Instead of red, he was wearing cyan.

He looks so cute

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He looks so cute. I awwed. He bowed to me. "Hello dear miss" he smiled.

"Hello to you too Bl-" I stared but he interrupted me with a smile.

"White Hat, call me White Hat" he told me. I just smiled and said.

"Well, hello White Hat, I'm (y-" I started but again was interrupted.

"Forgive me for interrupting you again, but I already know you name, and it's really a nice name, suits you as well" he took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles. I blushed.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now