Evil Flu

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I looked at Black Hat as he sneezed.

"I told you you'd get sick" I told him bluntly as I handed him a warm cup of water, which he drank down greedily. He hissed like a snake.

"How are you doing Jefecito?" Flug peeked in and asked.

"Where is my diagnostic doctor?" Black Hat hissed again.

"Ummm... I studied about this evil flu, there isn't any cure" Flug said shrinking a bit in fear.

"Then what will I do!?!" Black Hat screamed. Blue came up to him and handed him cookies.

"Get these cookies out of my evil sight!" He threw the cookies and Blu hid behind me, crying because of being scared. Black Hat looked at him and laughed, I gave him a glare and petted Blue.

"I love it when people cry!" He laughed and laughed until suddenly he started coughing. His face green. I left Blue and rushed to him and patted his back and holding his hat so it wouldn't fall off, I still remember when I first met him, his hat had burned down, later Flug told me how much he loves his hats, no wonder he is Black Hat. I was surprised to hear the word love, at least he can feel it, even for his hats.

Black Hat waved frantically before sitting up straight. I think this cough has blocked his mind, not like he has one. Reminds me of the orientation video of OOO, he had cleaned his ear and scary bugs crawled on his face before entering his brain again. I shivered at the memory.

 I shivered at the memory

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As Black Hat stopped coughing, I spoke up "Sir, you should get rest"

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As Black Hat stopped coughing, I spoke up "Sir, you should get rest"

"I am not weak! I don't need rest!" He screamed before started coughing again. I patted his back.

"Jefecito, (y/n) is right, you should get some rest. We will take care of you! And the organisation" Flug spoke up. Black Hat finished coughing.

"Fine, but I won't be in bed for long" he growled and stood up. He wobbled, before holding the chair for support. "I hate these black dots in my vision!! Get them out of my sight! They are making me wobble!! And feel weak!!!!!" He screamed before wobbling more.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now