House of Fear

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Get ready for a nice scare!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I couldn't sleep, shifting, turning, tossing, but sleep just won't come. With a sigh, I stood up and put on a jacket. I exited my room and peeked down the halls. To my left was Blu's room, to my right was Flug's room and in front of me was Demencia's room and beside it was White Hat's room. At the end of the hall is Black Hat's room. I walked outside and straight to the end of the hall, to peek out the window.

I saw a weird structure, I stopped to examine it. Just as I was about to touch it, Black Hat emerged from his room suddenly making me jump, he made a scary face, his eye went wide and black and four sharp serpent like tongues came out of his mouth, with a scream.

My heart pounding, I screamed and ran away straight to White Hat's room and shut his door quickly as I heard footsteps. I jumped in White Hat's bed, beside him, under the covers, hiding and shaking. White Hat already awake because of the snap the door made, he sat up and looked at me, I assumed by the shifting of sheets and sounds.

"Are you okay?" He asked picking me up like a baby. I had tears in my eyes. He looked concerned, at least someone care for my well being....... His face became sad. Quickly wiping my unshed tears away, I nodded and spoke, my voice shaking a bit but unnoticeable.

"Y-yes, I'm good, I.... just...." I trailed off.

"What happened?" He asked, serious.

"Black Hat" I looked down, White Hat put me down and hugged me. That was enough to make me break down, but I didn't, I can cry later, not now. Forcing myself to stop crying, I leaned on White Hat. I heard a knock, and apparently White Hat heard it too. The door opened and Black Hat peeked in, I hid my face in White Hat's chest.

They didn't spoke anything and I heard footsteps walk away. I relaxed and sniffed. White Hat rubbed my back. I calmed down, and finally fell asleep.

---Time Skip---

I woke up feeling warm breaths on the back of my neck and a weight on my waist. Last night's events ran through my mind. I sighed and turned around to face White Hat, who was sleeping. I poked his forehead with a sleepy smile. He stirred, grunted and peeked open one eye.

"Good morning" I smiled, greeting.

"Good morning to you too (y/n)" he said with a yawn. He cuddled closer to me. I chuckled and pushed him away.

"Its already morning sleeping beauty" I said with a smile and he pouted, sitting up. I sat up too and stretched. "Welp, gotta go get ready for the mornin' " I looked at White Hat who just nodded and yawned. I shook my head and went to my room.

I got ready for the morning and ran straight to the kitchen, where White Hat was already sitting along with Flug, Demencia, Blu and Black Hat. Black Hat was making White Hat uncomfortable with heated glares, and scaring me too. Trying my best to ignore Black Hat, I went to the fridge, took out milk and fruits. I put the milk on stove for warming up and sat beside White Hat and started eating an apple. I held out another for White Hat. When I decided that the milk was warm enough. I poured in into a glass and drank it.

I saw some glitters around White Hat. I raised an eyebrow. He smiled at me warmly, I figured out what was happening. I gave him a sad smile of my own as he disappeared. I clutched the pendant.

"Finally the fool is gone" Black Hat sighed relieved. I sighed and just as I was about to take a step forward, I just realized something.

"OHMEINGOD!!!! I MISSED SCHOOL!!!!" I screamed holding my head, my face has an horrified expression. Everyone, except Black Hat, who looks like he doesn't care, which is most likely the reason, looked at me concerned. I just sighed again.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now