Yandere Bolt! Part I

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Right now, I'm sitting in Nathan's house. Lara called me and said that they are going out and since Ria is way too young, they can't take her with them, so they want me to take care of her. Me being me, I agreed, unaware of what was about to come.

As I rock Ria back and forth, I heard something shattering. My mind processing someone is here. I try to sense any presence in the house. Someone is indeed here. I stood up and walked up to the door of Nathan's room. I opened the door to see..... Bolt standing there with a wide smirk on his face. S***!

I backed up slowly as he went wide eyed.

"Aria!!!!" He cried and jumped on me, hugging me. Wtf?

"Wha-!? What the hell are you doing!?!?" I yelled, being aware of the bundle in my arms.

"Oh Aria, I missed you so much! Why did you run off!? What if you and my baby had died!? What would I have done then!?! Please don't do anything like that again!!" He sobbed as he hugged me. What in the heavens is wrong with this guy!?!?

I panicked, "I dont know who you are talking about!!! Just get off me!" I cried.

He looked up and in my eyes with his teary ones.

"You don't remember me" he softly spoke. I just stood there with a weird face. He stood up straight.

"Don't worry I'll help you" he said determined. Uh oh. He picked me up and bolted away. Suddenly, I was put on a couch. The scene around me had completely changed. I was in a small but nice and cozy home.

"Welcome back, I'll get you something to eat" he said and pecked my forehead.

I just blinked. This guy is having hallucinations, he thinks I'm Aria, whoever she is to him. Wow, I need to get out of here. What have I gotten myself into? I facepalmed mentally as I rocked Ria.

Bolt came out with some food. I raised my eyebrow.

"Call me Aron, like you used to. What did you named her?" He asked as he put the food in front of me.

"Brianna, Ria for short" I said, wondering how many more times I'll have to tell her name and nickname.

"Its a nice name" he smiled softly. I smiled back with a thanks. Ria yawned.

"Awwe, she's so cute!" Hearts appeared in Bolt's eyes. I shushed him.

"Let her sleep or she'll be very irritated" I warned him and he nodded. "Where is the bedroom?" I asked rocking Ria. He motioned me to follow him. I followed him upstairs as I watched the pictures. In most of them, there was Bolt... or Aron and in some, he was with.... Aria, if it's her name, I don't know and I don't care. No wonder he's confused. Aria looks just like me except her hair. Though, she doesn't look happy, I don't know why. Although, looking at her face, she looks somewhat familiar even though I've never met her.

As he took me to the bedroom, he opened the door for me, I smiled at him and went inside, sitting on the bed, rocking Ria, who looked like she would fall asleep anytime now. Aron opened his mouth to speak but I shushed him. He just sighed and went outside closing the door behind him. I sighed and sat there with a sleeping Ria when I heard a voice. A spirit!!! I looked to my side to see a misty figure appearing.

It was Aria! I am so lucky.

Greetings (y/n). She whispered in my mind, I smiled.

I came here to warn you she stepped closer and held my shoulders beware, Aron is yandere, please take care of yourself and my baby and thanks for saving her that day in the alley.

"Its no problem, but I need your help" I whispered, smiling but in the end my face turned serious. Her form was flickering, she's running out of energy. I now know that she was the dead lady from the alley, so Ria really is Aron's baby.

Sure, anything she said floating.

"Can you inform Nathan of my whereabouts? The sooner he finds us, the better, because if Aron is yandere as you said, it's trouble for us" I said as she nodded. "Thanks for helping me, here take this" I said as I put Ria down and conjured negative energy that I have stored for moments like this. She looked at the energy, took it and her form became physical.

"Hurry" I said and she floated away with a nod.

I sighed as I laid down and fell asleep beside Ria.

Black Hat's P.O.V.:

I was sitting in my office doing paperwork as Nathan bursted inside making all my papers fly away. Before I could yell, he screamed.


"What!?!?" I shot up from my chair.

"I don't know what happened, we were out and when we came (y/n) was supposed to be in my room but she wasn't, the door was broken and a window was broken too. (Y/n) was kidnapped along with Ria." He started crying. I was scared, and frightened, never once in my immortal lifetime has I ever felt like this, and I don't want to.

"Who took her?!?" I held Nathan by his throat.

"I d-don't k-now" he croaked.

"I do" I heard a whisper. I dropped Nathan and looked around.

"Who's there!?!?" I yelled out, frustrated.

"I am a spirit, Bolt has taken her to his house, hurry, she is in danger" the voice whispered and slowly faded away. I looked at Nathan, he was panting.

"We are leaving" I said rudely.

"We c-can't, you strangled me, I'm weak, we have to get rest" he said. I was beyond furious.

"We have to think before acting, he would expect us, and without rest, no one will be able to think clearly" he said finally regaining his breath.

" I don't need sleep" I spat.

"For (y/n)'s safety" he looked at me from the ground. I hesitated but then became angry.

"You don't even need to come with us!!!! You're only a mere human!!!" I snarled, my body becoming demonic.

"Neither me nor (y/n) are mere humans!!!!" He spat but his eyes widened at what his mouth let out. My eyes were widened too, what did he meant by that? A-are they h-heroes? I bent down to his height and some in a demonic way.

"What did you meant by that?" My form glitching.

"I am not human, I am Nobody, Bolt's archenemy and his nemesis" he said with a strong tone "even if you don't need sleep, I do specially since you just strangled me. I know the way to Bolt's lair, and you don't, so you can't leave me, you need me".

I hesitated before silently giving up. My eyes hardened.

"We are leaving tomorrow morning. Prepare yourself or I'll leave you behind" I growled and left him there.

The next part will come soon.... patience is a virtue.

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