Kids problems

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I walked around the kids section in the mall, being followed by four little munchkins.

"Wat al ue doin here?(what are we doing here?)" The little version of Demencia asked.

"Hon, we are buying toys.... and supplies for you" I told her for the hundredth time. The cart was filled with baby clothes, baby food, and toys.

I looked down when Flug pulled down on my jeans slightly, with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I ask him and picked him up. He starts crying and points to a group of young kids playing with something.

"T-they hurt me and 5.O.5!" He cried.

"Where? Show me hun" I asked him sweetly. He pulled up his sleeve and showed me a blue mark and a bruise on his neck. I put him down, trying to hide my scary and enraged face, I pulled my sleeves up and walked up to the group of five boys, all seven years old. I saw them kicking and punching 5.O.5.

"What are you kids doing!?!" I growled loudly as I picked up the little bear and held him in my arms, the baby Demencia climbed up on my shoulders. The kids jumped at my voice and then laughed.

"We are having fun" their leader spoke as if it were obvious. I held the leader by his collar.

"Now! Don't you dare hurt my family! If this happened again, with anyone, I'll come and find you! And I'll make sure you pay you stupid kid!! I will show you the real fun" I threw him on the ground. Just as I did, Black Hat lunged at him, tentacles with eyes sprouting from his back. When I was sure that the kid was beaten enough, I pulled Black Hat away. My loyal spirits cheered.

"Come on, let's not waste our time on silly things" I smiled and led him away to the counter with others. I checked in all the supplies and paid.

"Waaah!" Black Hat sat on the floor and started crying.

"Why are you crying little buddy?" I bent down to his height, wondering if he hurt himself.

"Me is tired" he pouted. I smiled and chuckled at him and his actions, I picked him up, he held my neck.

"Me too" Demencia jumped. I picked her up too. The little Flug just looked at me, I could feel him longing to be picked up, I placed Demencia and Blu on my shoulders and held Black Hat and Flug, Black Hat shot Flug an evil glare. I quickly paid but I was having trouble holding everyone and everything. A young man looking a small bit older than me walked up to me.

"Need any help miss?" The man asked.

"Sure, I would love that" I gave him a sheepish smile. He picked up all the stuff. He had green eyes and black hair. I readjusted my grip on everyone.

"You're kids are sure different" the man said, smiling a bit as he looked at me.

"No, they are not my kids, I'm just taking care of them" I smiled nervously, a blush visible on my face.

"Oh, I am Eric by the way" Eric smiled.

"I am (y/n)" I gave him a smile of my own. I could feel jealousy radiating off the kids as they hugged me tighter. How did this happened?


I was watching as Flug and Black Hat did another commercial, Blu stood behind me. They were talking about some gun which can turn people into kids. He shot Flug and turned him into a toddler. Demencia jumped on him and the gun shot a ray, which hit a mirror and split into three. Two hit Demencia and Black Hat while the last one came to me, I dodged it and it hit Blu.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now