Congratulations! It's a girl

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Heh, I just love Black Hat, even the original design is good.

(E/c): eyes colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I walked through the streets alone, school has just finished, Raven went with Shanaya, and Nathan..... Well, he is kinda hurt, got stabbed during a combat fight, so, he skipped school. As I walked through the city, I heard a cry, a baby's cry. I turned to the direction of sound, it came from a........ an alley? Why in the heavens would there be a baby in an alley? Deciding something is not right, I went in the alley, walking further till I reached its end.

I was shocked at what I found, a woman, probably in her twenties, was laying there, pale and well.... dead. There was a small baby crying beside her.

The woman was slumped against the far back wall, wearing a dirty shirt, and black pants. Her feet, that were uncovered, were full of splinters, and bleeding. There were cuts on her arms, and her form was muddy. She looked like she went through a hell lot of trouble. Must've suck too much since she died, besides, it is shocking how no one heard her screams that probably would've have escaped her mouth, if she wasn't mute of course. Her hair were muddy, and so was her face. Again, I'm surprised this child lived. I mentally praised this strong woman and muttered a quick prayer for her.

My body, if it wasn't relaxed before, it did now. With a motherly aura, I went to the small bundle of crying system, picked it up and cradled it to my chest. I felt a smile crawl it's way on my face as I watched the small kid looking at me with her big (e/c) eyes. Funny how her eyes have the same colour as mine which I inherited from my grandmother. Well, I am the splitting image of my grandma, or as mom and dad puts it.

I walked out the street, no wonder no one noticed the cries of the woman, this street was almost empty today, with only a couple people here and there. Rocking the baby back and forth gently, I went back home, hoping no one will think I stole this baby and killed it's mom.

I changed my clothes and dipped a clean cloth in lukewarm water. I cleansed the baby, who was a girl, with the cloth. When I was done, I took Ray's (my little devil of a brother, or cousin) childhood clothing and put the little girl in them. I wrapped her up with a small baby blanket. She looked around with big eyes, kicking her arms and legs.

"Lets get you to Flug and see if you are healthy or not" I pecked her forehead and grabbed a quick bite of lunch, exiting my home with the baby, who I decided, I'll call 'Brianna' because of her soft and beautiful brown hair. In my opinion, it's a fine name. Playing with Ria on the way to the hat mansion, it took less time than normal. Since my hands were occupied, I opened the door with my foot.

"Flug!!! Buddy!!! I need your help!!!!" I screamed, but pretty quietly because of the small bundle of joy in my arms, I don't want to damage her sensitive ears or startle her. I smile at her and ran through the halls, straight to Flug's lab, to see Black Hat, Demencia, Blu and Flug in front of some weird device.

Everyone was messing with it and the machine was creating different...... statues? Welp, indeed, statues. Black Hat suddenly turned big, everyone backed up and I held Ria protectively with a frown. She let out a small baby noise and I just smiled at her. She reached out her hands, I pecked her forehead. I returned my attention to the group.

"What the hell is wrong with this bloody thing Flug?!" Black Hat growled.

"I think it ran out of power sir" I heard Flug speak meekly.

I saw the final statue, it was Blu hugging all of us. I held in an amused snort rocking Ria. Black Hat ripped his face off making the three near him uncomfortable, scaring me and making Ria cry. As she started crying lowly, I rocked her and hushed her walking around the lab, aware of the eyes on me. After a moment, Ria calmed down, her big (e/c) eyes looking at me. I found a chair and sat down on it. I smiled at Ria and nuzzled her cheek with my nose. She let out a baby sound as if talking to me. I talked to her too, childishly, forgetting about the others. I made a cute face feeling like a child myself.

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