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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Me and Flug are sitting in the huge laboratory, of course, Flug is working on a new device, which is almost done. We are not in Hatsville, Black Hat had a meeting with someone here so he took us with him. Demencia is playing with 5.O.5. This place is so techy that Flug couldn't help but invent new stuff. This town is called Zenia, weird, I know. And while we are here, I can't seem to get Cyber's warning out of my head. I have a feeling, and I feel sure it's not wrong.

"Ummm.... (y/n)? Can you pass me that?" Flug asked. I blinked out of my thoughts and passed him whatever he was asking for. I sat there for a few seconds until Flug suddenly yelled out, startling me, "done!"

I jumped but saved myself just before I fall off my seat.

"Oh, sorry for startling you" he apologized as he looked at me.

"Its okay, what was that about anyways?" I asked him. Demencia and 5.O.5 walked over to us.

"Take a look, this is an Erase gun. It can wipe out anyone and anything from existence but can be used only five times and then, we'll have to charge it again" Flug told us. Demencia looked excited. "But it is extremely dangerous and must be used carefully" he warned. We nodded at him.

"Let's try it one time" Demencia said. Flug nodded and pointed it at a table. He shot it and the table disappeared without a trace. Suddenly, a guard bursted in, startled, Flug shot the gun again and it hit the guard, all we saw was a bright light before the man's particles tore apart and disappeared. We all gulped and looked at each other.

"It is really dangerous" I gulped, goosebumps running down my body. Flug meekly nodded in fear, letting out a squeak. Black Hat burst in, making Flug scream.

"We are going- what is that?" He started but paused as he saw the gun. He took it from Flug.

"Sir, don't, it's dangerous" I tried to stop him, but Black Hat didn't listened and shot a tree and a chair, which disappeared just like the table Flug shot.

"Where did that tree and chair go?" Black Hat asked Flug, threateningly.

"Out of existence" Flug spoke as he raised his hand shakingly.

Black Hat smirked, suddenly, we saw blue mist and the gun disappeared from his hands. We all stood there wide eyed. A man appeared in front of us, his eyes blue and hair black, a man I had been worried about, Cyber. He gave me a huge smirk, and we spotted the gun in his hand. Me and Flug gasped, I pulled Flug slightly behind me, knowing what he was going to do.

"Huh, this gun is nice" he said, examining the device.

"Cyber, why are you here?" Black Hat spoke, awfully calm that it scared us.

"To erase you from existence" Cyber pointed the gun at Black Hat, and I inched closer to him, even more cautious as my shadow beings morphed behind him, silent.

"Oh yeah, as if" Black Hat said bluntly as he crossed his arms.

"Sure" Cyber spoke and shot the gun.

To protect my manipulative boss, I jumped in between them just as the ray hit me, and all I felt was excruciating pain in my entire body, in my every cell, in my very core, I wanted to scream but no voice escaped my mouth. It was as if the pain was a part of me, worse than anything I've ever felt. Suddenly, I felt a light and warm feeling in my chest or where my chest should be and the last thing I heard before blacking out completely were screams, but shockingly enough, they weren't mine.

Author's P.O.V.:

As Black Hat, Flug, Demencia and 5.O.5 watched (y/n) disappear, Demencia, Flug and 5.O.5 screamed in terror, desperation and sadness. Black Hat just stood there, when suddenly it hit him hard, she was erased out of existence. He was angry, terribly angry. Cyber was scared, afraid, petrified even, he had missed his only shot. He ran away dropping the gun and breaking it. Enraged, Black Hat shaped shifted into a huge calamity, he picked up Flug, 5.O.5 and Demencia and made sure they were safe before unleashing his fury on the big city which had the best technology available in the entire solar system.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now