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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was sitting in the lab doing my homework. Black Hat has called Flug for an ad or something whatsoever so, I am alone. Blu is cleaning and Cia, well, she is being Cia as usual.

As I finished up my homework, I heard a yell, Black Hat's to be particular. Talking about Black Hat, I don't know, whenever I am near him, I feel weird, really weird like there are butterflies dancing in my stomach. I have an I idea of what is up with me, but I don't want to believe it, i mean who could fall in love with a demon who has green mossed up teeth and no nose.

And why does everything starts just as my homework finishes up? Maybe I have good timing, or maybe they have strange timing, at least let me rest! Homework eats up my mind.

I made my way to Black Hat's office and peeked in, only to be surprised. I entered the office.

"(Y/n)! Get me down!" Black Hat yelled as he looked at me, pointing to a ball shaped device which was also floating in the air. Everything was floating. Cia and Flug were wrestling in the air while Blu was spinning. I looked at the device and jumped to catch it but my fingers brushed against it and it flew away.

"Staph!" I yelled at the device and jumped over here and there trying to catch the device. I let out things like stop and get here. I failed miserably in catching the device. By now, Blu was stuck to the ceiling and Flug and Cia were revolving around him. Black Hat was floating with his arms folded over his chest. I caught sight of the device and leaped at it, successfully catching it and somehow deactivating it in the process and landing on Black Hat.

"Got ya!" I exclaimed as I collided on him, I hope he won't crushed, or he'll kill me.

He held me as we lied on the ground. I got off him with a blush, his face being green. He is blushing, heh. I am so proud on getting a blush out of him,  I should be given a gift. A chocolate would be nice, and that gives me an idea. I'll make chocolate cookies today.

I pressed the button and pressed it again and Flug, Cia and Blu fell on Black Hat. He let out an oof and screamed at the three to get off him. I pushed the button again and held the device.

"Why did you do that?!?" Black Hat yelled.

"What!? I wanted to fly too, and, touchie the button" I shrugged and floated around with everything, smiling innocently.

"I hate you all" he said floating upside down. I giggled and floated over to him.

"Oh no, I know you love us" I told him and I copied him, or his stance. He only looked at me with half-lidded poker eyes and suddenly, he smirked. Before I could say or process anything, he pinned me to the wall near us, we both were still floating but the tentacles coming out his back held us steady. He leaned closer to me as my face flushed and butterflies danced in my stomach.

"Wha-what are you doing!?!" I whisper-yelled. He shushed me as he looked into my eyes. My face became hotter as his became green. I felt his breath fan over my neck, wait wot! He has a nose! He leaned closer as my eyes became droopy. I closed my eyes tight in fear of what was happening as I felt his lips brush against mine. I bet my face rivalling a tomato. Suddenly, the device was snatched from my hands and everything fell down. My eyes opened in shock as I felt Black Hat sitting on top of me, smirking like he won a contest. I was shocked, even more as he quickly leaned in, pecked my lips and used his tentacles to get away quickly.

I have no idea if I was red in anger, or embarrassment. From my position on the floor, I heard ohhs and claps. My head shot to the trio watching us with big smiles. I puffed up my cheeks and crossed my arms.

My mind processed what happened, and I don't like it one bit, he teased me, I'm going to kill him when I get my hands on him....... of course, after these butterflies settle down. Yeesh, what a pain. The fact that the spirits are acting like kids is not helping either.

"Are you okay?" Flug asked. I looked at him weirdly.

"No" I sat up, "did you not see what he just did?! I'm going to kill him!" I tried to calm down and later, I stomped off to the kitchen, not sparing a glance to the trio who looked at another with big smile, secretly planning on playing the matchmaker.

Today is going to be noted in my diary. It was surely eventful. Did he did that for fun? Or does he love me like I do? I would be happy to find out that he loves me like I do. I sighed. I am not going to let this go easily, I'll ask him why he kissed me. Let's see what reason he has. Who knows? It could be for better or for worst.

Even if he likes me, I am sure he would hide it. But what he just pulled off is giving me hell. I've never been so confused in my entire life. Ever since I met Flug, what has my life became? And why the hell do I love him!? I'm so disappointed in my choice, but I won't blame my heart, of course, we just have to fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.

How cliche, how sweet, and how weird. I feel like ending my life by jumping off a cliff.

I'll trap you both in a closet.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now