Saviors Part II

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Btw, that above is Black Hat releasing his fury.... or irritation on Pompeii.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up feeling dizzy. I sat up to find something missing. I panicking, I turned my head to look around but I couldn't find Ria. Oh no! I tried to sit up but I felt something  resisting or blocking my movements. S***! This didn't helped my panic, I struggled as much as I can in the bonds.

"Now now princess, no need to struggle" a dark shadow appeared, it's... his white teeth glistening in the dark. Suddenly the lights turned on, making me close my eyes. When I opened them again, I saw Aron, insanity seeping off him, his hair messed up, his eyes wide and...... dilated. Aria was right! He is insane!

"W-where is R-ria?" I managed to ask as I stuttered, feeling cold. Why in heavens am I cold? I looked down to see that I was wearing all my clothes, I sighed relieved.

"Don't worry about her Love, she's safe" Aron's face muscles twitched. Does he have turrets? It's better not to ask.

"W-what did you do?" I asked, my voice becoming stronger.

"Oh Love, I haven't done anything, yet" his voice turned demonic at the last word. I shuddered as I struggled, turning my head, I came to face a wall clock. It was 3:45! I slept that long! Clearly he must have sedated me. Oh goodness, I'm in trouble.

"You! You sedated me!" I yelled as I struggled harder. He stepped closer to me, the grin on his face never fading, I gulped, help me....

"Sweetheart, don't raise your voice at me, it makes me what to punish you more, and since you still have to pay for running away, you will not want any more punishment" he stepped closer slowly, as if taunting my already hammering heart.

I did not signed up for this, I don't feel like getting punished instead a dead person. It's not worth it! Aron took out a knife out of his pocket, I shrunk back, as much as I can with these tight bondings. I gave him a look that says 'Please don't hurt me' trying my best to manipulate him. Can I apply reverse psychology here? I don't think so. I'll have to try to manipulate him, I just wish it would work.

"Please don't hurt me" I whimpered, I have to say, I'm good at acting, I am planning on keeping up the act, maybe, just maybe it will save me today, oh how I hope so. The  spirits watched us in anticipation, I'll have to deal with them later.

"Why not?" He tilted his head, his face turning into a frown.

"Because I love you" I said and internally cringed, not at all.

He smirked "Babe, I love you too, but I have to punish you, your little act of salvation which caused me to suffer so much won't go unnoticed" he put his cold hand on my cheek and the other hand holding the knife on my other side of face.

I gave him pleading eyes. Where are the others?!?! I don't think I'll be able to stop him any longer.

"Plus, I love hearing your screams " he nuzzled my face with his.

"I know Aron, but my throat is dry, I won't be able to scream or cry" I pointed out, hoping to buy sometime.

He rose up straight "yeah, you're right, I won't be able to enjoy your screams, let me get you some water" he said and he waltz away happily.

"This guy is f****ng sadistic" I whispered to myself. I looked at the clock, singing a song to myself as I waited, one of the best way to kill time is singing.

Rebellious (A Black Hat X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now