Resurrected (Dwight Pollard)

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Imagine that you were dead but an old friend brings you back to life.

Lol I love Dwight so much and I needed to make a chapter for him XD.


That was all you saw.

Then you felt it.

The stinging pain of your body receiving thousands of bolts of electricity.

You were in pain and you wanted to scream but you couldn't move.

Painful bolts of electricity travelled through your body as you struggled to move, to do something.

You let out a gasp as your e/c eyes flew open.

You quickly sat up and winced in pain as your head began throbbing with pain.

You looked around, terrified and wondering where you were.

You didn't even know who you were.

For some reason you couldn't remember a single thing besides that you died.

You remembered being shot but that was about it.

You couldn't remember anything else.

Your name?


Any family or friends?


All your memories were lost and all you could remember was how you died.

You looked at your surroundings. You appeared to be in what looked like an abandoned factory.

You looked down and saw that you were laying down on a metal table that had wires connected to it.

You were terrified. What were you doing here?

Then you heard a gasp behind you.

You quickly turned around to see who was behind you.

There stood a man, his eyes widened in surprise but also joy. He wore a grey coat, black pants, and black shoes. He also wore black gloves. He had very dark brown hair that was neatly combed back.

"Who are you?! What am I doing here?!" you asked him as you trembled from being terrified.

"It worked!" he exclaimed, completely ignoring your questions.

You quickly backed away from the man but you ended up falling off of the table,hitting your head on the ground and causing you to feel more dizzy.

You grunted from the pain. You curled up into a ball and buried your face into your hands.

"Why can't I remember anything?!" you shouted as you began crying.

The man rushed over to you and kneeled in front of you.

"You've been dead for over a year! I didn't think that it would work but I was able to bring you back! " he explained with a grin on his face, but then it turned into a frown, "Sadly I suppose it made you suffer memory loss. :

You looked up at him and examined him.

There was something about him. He looked so familiar but you couldn't quite pinpoint who he was.

"W-who are y-you?" you asked.

"My name is Dwight Pollard. You and I were actually close friends before you died." he said.

Now, you began to remember him. You and Dwight were best friends who grew up together. You remembered that you also worked as a cop for the GCPD.

But still, you remembered who Dwight was but you still couldn't remember who you were.

"I can't remember anything about myself besides how I died and what I worked as..I don't even  remember my own name.." you said.

"Oh, your name is y/n!" he replied.

"Okay thanks Dwight but I'm wondering, why did you bring me back?" you asked.

He hesitated for a few seconds before he answered.

"After you died, I was very devastated.  After a few weeks, I questioned if it was possible to resurrect a deceased human body. I did a lot of research and tests and I then wondered who I was going to bring back. I decided to start off with the person I cared about the most." he replied, looking down when he finished.

"Wow, not really what I expected but thanks." you said

He looked up and grinned again.

"So where exactly are we?" you asked.

"This is my hideout. It's a large abandoned factory." he answered.

Why would Dwight need a hideout for?

"A hideout? Why do you need one?" you asked.

"Well you see, after you died, I went through a lot of..changes. I am a wanted man." Dwight replied.

"Oh gosh, did you go psycho or something?" you chuckled.

He then had a confused expression on his face.

"Wait, you're not scared of me?" he asked.

"Dwight, I used to work for the GCPD before I died, I'm pretty sure that I've encountered a bunch of psychopaths. Gotham is literally filled with psychopaths!" you chuckled again.

"So you're not going to turn me over?" he asked, still looking confused.

"Just because I've been dead for a while doesn't mean that I don't care for my best friend!"

He let a warm smile.

"Okay, then you wouldn't mind helping your best friend bring back another person who I've been trying to get to right?" he asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind!" you replied, letting out a small chuckle.

He looked beyond excited.

"Okay great! You can stand and walk right?" he asked, looking a bit concerned.

"I think I can." you carefully get up and stand. Then you slowly take small steps. You stumble a little but you get the hang of it.

"Good! Now come on! We have a lot of planning to do!" he exclaimed as he walked out of the room.

You followed after him, glad that you were brought back by your best friend.

Lmao sorry this is pure trash hehe. I kind of rushed this but ohhh wellll. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this hehe.

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