Meeting Him - Abra Kadabra

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Imagine that one night your are walking around and you find something very strange...

Lol this one was requested by one of my friends hehe

It's 12:00 am.

You were walking back home from a late night party that you had just attended.

You were exhausted and you just wanted to go to bed but there was no one who could or wanted to drive you home so you had to go walking.

The darkness and quietness of city at midnight made you even more drowsy than you already were.

Every few minutes, you caught yourself stumbling as you headed home.

It was hard to keep your eyes open as you walked. You were so tired.

Then as you continued walking, you saw a strange light appear behind of a store.

Maybe it's just someone quickly checking up on their store.

That thought completely vanished when the strange light quickly disappeared and then reappeared inside of the actual store. You could see it glowing inside from a large window.

At first you thought that someone was just checking up on their store but what was the light? How did it get inside so quickly?

You headed to the main entrance of the store.

You pulled on the handle of the door but it didn't budge.

Obviously it's not going to open. The store is closed. How could I be so stupid?

You walked away from the entrance and headed towards the back of the store.

I highly doubt it but maybe the back door is unlocked. If not, maybe there is an open window that I could crawl through.

You made it to the back and looked around.

There doesn't seem to be any other way to get in here besides the door. Well, let's try my luck.

You stepped towards the door and turned the knob.

It surprisingly was unlocked and you happily opened it.

You then walked inside and quietly closed it behind you.

It was very dark but it didn't bother turning on the lights because then it would mean that you would get cought.

You slowly and quietly walked around looking for the strange light that you had seen while you were outside.

You looked around but you couldn't find any trace of it anywhere.

The light seemed to have disappeared while you were getting in.

You continued walking around as you looked for the light.

Why am I so desperate to find that light? I'm already in here so I might as well continue looking.

You then came across a door and you could see light glowing from underneath it.

You kneeled down and tried to look under the door to hopefully see what was inside but the space was too small for you to see anything.

You couldn't think of anything else to do besides open the door so that's what you decided to do.

You cautiously opened the door and peaked inside.

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