(Murderer) Tigerclaw

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Imagine that you are a ThunderClan warrior and your mate is the warrior, Tigerclaw. After the he returns from the battle with RiverClan at Sunningrocks, you discover something horrifying...

This takes place during the first Warriors book when Tigerclaw returned from the battle with Redtail's dead body.

You were very worried.

It had been almost a whole day since your mate, Tigerclaw, left with a few other warriors to fight against RiverClan over the Sunningrocks.

What if he was killed?

You groomed your fur as you tried to comfort yourself, telling yourself that he probably just went hunting or was just being very slow.

Then you heard, one of the elders let out a loud meow, alerting everyone that someone was coming.

You stepped out of the warriors' den and went to see if maybe it was Tigerclaw who had arrived.

To your dismay, it wasn't.

It was his young apprentice, Ravenpaw.

And he was alone

Despite being small and very young, Tigerclaw decided to take his apprentice with him to the battle at Sunningrocks.

If Ravenpaw was here, where was Tigerclaw?

Ravenpaw looked badly shaken. He had a large gash on his shoulder that clearly needed attention. He spoke with panic and fright.

You couldn't understand him from where you were, but judging by his tone, something bad had happened.

Suddenly Ravenpaw fainted from his wound and so, Spottedleaf, the medicine cat, quickly began tending to him.

You ears picked up the sound of pawsteps coming from the entrance to ThunderClan.

You looked over and your eyes widened in disbelief.

There walking to the clearing was Tigerclaw, and in his jaws, he carried the dead limp body of your father and ThunderClan deputy, Redtail.

Wails and crys erupted from the Clan as Tigerlclaw gently placed Redtail's body on the ground.

Right now, Tigerclaw was the last day on your mind. You could only think of Redtail right now.

"No!!" you wailed as you rushed to the body of your father.

You kneeled down next to him and nudged his body with your muzzle, hoping to find any warmth or signs of life but sadly, there wasn't.

He was dead.

You closed your eyes and layed next to him as you were filled with grief.

You closed your eyes and layed next to him as you were filled with grief

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