Chapter 4:Well,for a first day this wasn't bad.

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Raven looked at Draco and Zoe who were arguing with the slytherin girls,she moved towards them and she overheard something about,"Not being a true Malfoy",and "Disgrace for the Malfoys bloodline."

Meanwhile Draco was both trying to argue with a loud voice and trying keeping his composure,While Zoe on the other hand,was both intruppting him and proving everyone wrong.

She walked over to them,and then stopped when she heard,"You and Raven should have switched houses."

At this point,she wanted to walk over and sass out whoever said that,or just back away in silence before anyone noticed.

Zoe noticed Raven who was just 2 meters away and walked over to her,then turned to the girls"To your information,The sorting hat let's you choose your house.We are not like Illevmorny.We are placed in the house we prefer or want not where we belong-Well not exactly but people change over time.My point is,I'm perfectly fine with my house and so will be my parents.Raven might not be as slytherin as it sounds but we all know people change.Now two words-"

"-Back off."Draco completed for Zoe who grined at him,The girls returned back to their table as Zoe turned to Draco.

"I was going to come to you but I guess you read my mind."Zoe explained to Draco who smiled at her,"You are not mad at me are you?"

"Why would I be?I stopped being mad at you exactly after 2 secounds of your sorting."

"Liar liar pants on fire!"Raven danced around,making both Malfoys shake there head while laughing.

"Okay fine.I might have been mad hour."Draco rolled his eyes playfully,as Zoe smacked him on the arm lightly.

"I didn't hit you that hard,drama queen."Zoe teased,while giggling.

"Hey I am not a drama queen!Am I?Raven?"

Raven turned to him?"Well I didn't live with you my whole life so how would I know?But from what I saw yesterday Yup you are partly a drama queen."

Zoe laughed,"See!Even The girl who just knew you one day ago sees it!"

The girls laughed while Draco rolled his eyes again.

"Anyways I'll have to go eat before class starts in any moment,I'll leave you two to catch up."Raven smiled at the twins infront of her and walked to her table.

She quickly summed up her breakfast and as she was finishing,The schedule appeared beside her plate.

She picked it up and examined it carefully,when she suddenly heard a groan behind her,"We won't have the same lessons in the morning!!"

Raven turned to Zoe,who was showing Raven her schedule.

"Hey but we will have our after lunch classes together and even Herbology before lunch!"Raven smiled at her,"We don't have to see each other in potions!"

"I wish we could be in the same house though..Nah I am happy in mine."Zoe smiled at Raven,"But in any time you'd like to switch houses just tell me."

Raven laughed and got her bag,"See ya later!"



Raven couldn't imagine how much she will love potions like she did now.She enjoyed learning how mixing up two different ingredients could make a completely different potion,and how important it was to spin clockwise and anti-clockwise.

The only part she didn't like was Snape disliking her brother and probably her too,but Neville was a bit more.

Yes she knew Neville apparently isn't the best in potions,(It was apparent when he blew up his potion),But he was still her brother and in her perspective,Snape disliking her brother-even if it's the start of their first year- was utterly stupid.

She has been helping Neville out through their twin link,because every time he would do it wrong snaps would make him repeat it.

"Neville I said Anti-Clockwise."

"Raven you said clockwise!"

"Let's hope one spin won't hurt.Just do it anti-clockwise now Neville."

"Why does Snape hate me so much!"

"I am not sure.I mean he only saw you today..But he hates all the Gryffindors."

"Yes exactly!!"

"Now stop spining and put another petal of the-wait you are done.Is it purple?"

"Yeah..Dark purple!"

"Yup you are I'll shut up because he is coming."

There is no way Snape would know who helped him that way,she was looking the whole time in her parchment while talking to Draco.

"Well,I suppose you did well..Longbottom."She could hear snape say,and she could feel his suspicious stare on her face.

After he had left Neville's side she looked up at him and gave him thumbs up.

After the class was dismissed she waited for Neville,Next they had Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.

"I am the worse in potions."Neville groaned,"Cheer up Longbottom!You might be better in something else."Draco grined at Neville,as Raven nodded.

"Yeah he has a point Nev,Maybe you are better in Transfiguration or DADA!"

"Raven trust me If I am bad at potions, I won't be good in DADA!"

Raven rolled her eyes at her older twin,"We'll see about that!Now let's go!"She pushed both boys infront of her and proceeded to walk along side them.

When they got to the greenhouse,Zoe was already there chatting with a blonde Hufflepuff,Raven waved to Zoe who motioned for her to wait a moment as she finished her talk with her new friend.

Zoe skipped over to them and smiled,"how was Potions?"


Zoe looked between the three different opinions of her friends and brother,"Okay does someone to explain their point?"

"Well Neville probably thinks it's horrible because...Proffessure Snape hates his guts."

"And Raven liked it because..for some reason she wants to blow someone up with a potion-"

"But I liked mixing stuff and study the outcome too!!"

Neville rolled his eyes while chuckling and shaking his head,"Whatever you say,Moriarty."

Raven blinked at Neville,"did you just...make a Sherlock reference?"She smiled excitedly at him,but Neville just laughed.

"Besides get your information right,I am John."

Zoe,Draco and Neville laughed as Raven rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Now come on.Class is starting."




This is probably the smallest chapter of the story and I wanted to update as quick as I could because I will have 2 presentations and probably won't be free to write!!(I am looking at you Luxurybreeze.)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed that even if it isn't that good!!

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