Chapter 5:Hold up a secound..

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A Week later,
"But Raven...Why did they name you Raven?"Draco asked,as they walked back to their common room."That's a really good question that no one asked before."The blonde chuckled,"Is that sarcasm?"Raven laughed,"Yep.I always tell them 'because I am the darkness and sadness in the world."Draco rose a brow,"That's not true!"Raven shrugged and her reply was,"Thanks Draco!also wanna get the exclusive answer?Just don't tell Zoe because she really wants to know.","Why don't you want her to know?","Suspense reasons."both of them laughed."It's because my granny liked the poem 'The Raven' by Edgar Alan Poe."

"They named you after a poem!?I mean did you even read it?"He asked,"Yup Pretty sad but pretty cool!"Just as Raven finished her sentence,Zoe appeared beside them,"You were named after a poem!??How cool is that!?"Zoe held a cloak in her hand,"Yeah!and thank you I suppose!!"Raven smiled cheekily at Zoe,"Can't we have some privacy!"Draco rolled his eyes at his twin who mimicked him and did the same."How did you get an invisibility cloak?!"Raven asked,ignoring both of them and looking at the cloak in Zoe's hands."I know a friend who knows a friend,who knows a friend,who knows a couple dozen friends cuz it doesn't end and they know that there was a invisibility cloak in Dumbeldore's office for some reason."

Draco and Raven shared a look and sighed,"How will you get it back to his office?",Zoe grinned,"We will give it back to him,obviously."Wait...What!?"Draco looked at his sister with disbelief."Yup.We actually asked him for it and we are giving it back."She looked at both of them in confusion,"You didn't sneak in?"Raven blinked,giving Zoe a 'seriously' face.

"Hey!that would be rude!Besides I did it Hufflepuff style."Zoe giggled,"What's more important is that she used it to sneak on us and know your name origins."Draco shakes his head and sighed."Geez calm down Dragon.Also I feel betrayed!You told Draco and you didn't tell me!?Shame on you Raven."Zoe,-dramatically- put a hand on her heart and walked away."Hey I was teasing you about it!Alright fine.Shame on me.should've told you and left Draco in the darkness."Zoe walked back and shrugged,"'tis fine.Anyways,Are you free tonight?Maybe we can do something later today."She asked,hoping that Raven would be free.

"Er..Well,The Gryffindors are having a party of some sort and Neville doesn't want to join that,So I promised him to hang out with him."Raven explained,"Hm..Well We can have a TV night!Like the four of us!"Zoe suggested,"You are missing the important part Zoe.We don't have a television."Draco stated,"Also,Hold up,You were going to the Gryffindor dorm!?"

"I was going to hang out with my brother,geez."Raven rolled her eyes at him,then turned to Zoe,"and yeah we don't have a television.",Zoe held up her wand,"Yes but we have magic."

Raven looked at her wrist-watch,"We are late for flying class."She said,before Zoe bolted to get her stuff."See you guys later!"She said as she disappeared into the halls.


When Draco,Raven,and Zoe arrived,Some Slytherins,Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors were there already,the three of them took places beside their classmates and in front their broom.Soon enough,The class started as Harry and Ron entered.

Madam Hooch entered just after the two Gryffindors,and instructed them to lift the broom by just saying up."Up."Luckily for Raven,Zoe and Draco it worked as a charm,while Neville struggled with it a bit but managed to lift it.

"Well this might've been easy for some of you.Now the next step is to get on the broomstick and kick the ground lightly."Madam Hooch said,and as soon as she did,Neville did as told,but instead of kicking the ground lightly,he went flying around until he panicked and fell to the floor.

"Neville!"Raven let go of her broomstick and ran beside Neville,"Ow.."Neville groaned in pain,holding his wrist."Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey.."Madam Hooch helped him up,Raven walked along side them,sighing and muttering some stuff to Neville.As they disappeared inside the castle,Draco noticed that Neville's Remembrall was on the floor.He picked it up and was about to walk to up to Zoe who was going to follow Neville and Raven,when Harry spoke up,"Malfoy give it back."Draco turned to Harry with a straight face,"Relax Potter.The Longbottoms are my friends and-"

Harry raised his brows,"From when do you tolerate Gryffindors?","From a while.Is that a problem?"Draco and Harry have been taking steps towards each other each time each one of them spoke."Give it Back.","Fine.You want it?Come and take it."Draco took his broom and flew into the sky.

Harry grabbed a broom too,and they started chasing after each other.Raven returned with Zoe-as Neville noticed he had dropped his Rememberall-to retrieve his rememberall.Raven stared at Draco and Harry in annoyance.She flew up to them with her Broom.

"Bloody hell Pott-"Draco was about to complete his sentence when Raven took the Rememberall from his hand and rose a brow at both of them,Zoe meanwhile was shaking her head."You two are such kids."Raven said and flew down to Zoe,Taking her back into the castle.Zoe waved to Draco to follow them in.Harry and Draco shared a mean look as they landed,as Draco was walking away,he saw professor Mcgonaggle approaching Harry."Finally.Justice."

Oh little did he know..


Raven sighed and waited outside the door with Zoe,"Sorry about Draco..You know how he hates Harry."Zoe said as Raven shrugged,"I am not really mad at him,But I mean he could've just ignored Harry."Zoe giggled by the end of Raven's sentence,"That's Draco we are talking about Honey."

The girls laughed,as the laughter faded,Madam Pomfrey called them in."'s been a while since I last saw you!"She said,Zoe smiled sheepishly,"I didn't fall or walk into the wall from exactly two days!"Madam Pomfrey sighed and lead them in,"It wasn't something very dangerous.He just broke his wrist."Raven blinked,face palmed,and sighed.

"I don't think you heard Madam Hooch when she said kick the floor lightly."Zoe sighed,"Might've misheard lightly."Neville chuckled.Raven blinked at him,"Are you just going to blink at me?"Neville asked,"No?I would've hugged you but you are laying down."Raven shrugged,"Good thing you haven't broken your wand when you fell,Since you won't be able to write."She said,getting off her robes to look for his Rememberall."Here you go."Raven put it beside him.Zoe got up and pushed Draco inside the Infirmary.

Neville waved at Draco with his other hand,while Raven grinned at him,"I never really knew why Harry and You were arguing."Draco rolled his eyes,"I noticed that Neville dropped his Rememberall,So I took it and when I did potter thought I was taking it for my own good."Raven face palmed,"That's why he lived eleven years in the cupboard."

There was a moment of silence..then the four of them burst into laughter."Wow Raven..That wasn't expected."Neville smiled at his sister,"I am proud."Zoe giggled,Draco was struggling to stop laughing."Oh well."Raven shrugged."Anyways when we get out of here,Anyone cares to watch a movie?"Zoe asked,"We don't a televi-"

"Magic Nev."Raven reminded him,Draco coughed,"what will be watching?","shERLOCK HOLMES."



Hello dear midgardians!Did you miss me?


Okay so this chapte might've been small because I was writing in paragraphs but hey,I hope it was something.

Anyways,Infnity war is out and I didn't watch it yet..but some people spoiled it for me and now Im going to cry me a river.

Good riddance my friends.*tips fedora*

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