Chapter 13:Draco

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"Your common room is too..bright.."Draco complained,the blackness of his shirt standing out in the bright yellow room."It hurts my eyes.."Raven blinked for a few moments,"That' thing I agree with both of you in.But it's nevertheless unique on its own.At least mine has a bit of..decoration and happiness."

"Unique.."Raven chuckled,"Suddenly,That's a very funny word.."Zoe laughed quietly

"Decoration and Happiness.If the houses were personalitys,Raven would be Hufflepuff."Draco commented,resting on a soft,comfortable yellow arm chair."Wow Draco is actually complimenting someone.Praise Helga and everything sweet on earth."Zoe laughed,following Neville who was rather facinated by all the plants scattered around the room.

"I am standing by the fact that our dorms and common room is the best looking."

"Yeah..Gryffindor is,Hufflepuff is too bright-"Zoe narrowed her eyes at Raven,"Traitor mouth."

"Hey i didn't-What about him!?"Raven pointed at Draco,who had a smirk on his face.He put his legs up on the table,"Oh he has always been a traitor mouth,also Legs off the table."

"Yeah?Or what?"
"Or I am gonna push you outside and make sure you are drenshed in vingar."He took minutes to do as told.Draco wasn't really in the mood to re-shower and re-do his hair."Good."

"This is amazing!Do you have plants in your rooms as well?"Neville asked Zoe,who answered him something Draco didn't really pay attention to.

Raven's snake slithered out of her jacket pocket,and no body really paid attention to it.Draco was trying to solve a random rubix cube,Zoe and Neville were fangirling over plants,and Raven was writing something in her potions textbook.

The grey snake made it's way to Draco's chair,sneaking into his shirt-Presumably biting him afterwards.Since not two minutes later,they heard a screech from the blonde-

"Hey!Hey calm down blondie-"
"I was just BITTEN BY A SNAKE!"
"A non poisonous snake,Drama queen."

Serp made his way back around Raven's neck,hanging like a scarf.It hissed quietly,as if knowing he is being thrown the blame.

"You just have a bite mark on your back,nothing severe."Zoe said,"but If you want to go to Madam Pomfrey,go ahead."

"Oh no thanks.I'd rather die than stay in the infirmary for days."Draco smoothed his shirt,glaring at the snake."Annoying creature..."

"Pretty sure that's towards yourself,not my snake."Raven rested back on the couch."Obviously."He answered back,sarcastically.


"Well,Come again never!Except Neville and Raven,You are welcome here anytime."Zoe smiled,saying goodbye to her friends."What about me?"Draco pouted,making Zoe roll her eyes."Eh Maybe..Now go back to your dorms!Its late.."

They bid each other goodbye,Draco and Raven walked back to their dorm room togther,obviously going to stay up for a couple of hours.

"I didn't finish my potions homework.."Raven complained,plopping on the black leather couch to complete her essay."Oh come on.There is just one week left.."

Raven whined,"Yes!That's the problem!Snape thinks it's a good idea to load us with homeworks in the last week!I mean-Even Proffessure Mcgonnagle skipped homework for once.."She huffed.

Draco sat beside her,reading a book he took from the library."You should get this later."He mumbled,as Raven groaned in frustration."Yeah sure-since when did you like reading anyway!"

The blonde turned to Raven,a confused look appeared on his face."I-I don't know.I just like it now."He shrugged,flipping the page over."From what I've heard from Zoe,You have a library in your manor."

"Yes we do,Zoe specifically asked for the secound biggest room to be a library."Draco huffed,"Wait what is the first biggest room then?"Raven questioned,trying to comprehend how big is that manor of theirs."The ballroom-"

"You have a ballroom in your house!?"She nearly shouted,dropping a bit of ink on her jeans."Oh for the love of merlin!"

"Are your pants going to be oka-"
"Oh don't worry about this.I have about 20 jeans or something--"

"She has 20 pairs of jeans and isn't okay with the fact that we have a ballroom in our manor."Draco rolled his eyes in a playful manner,ammused by Raven's buffered expression."Next thing you'll tell me that your dining room is as big as the great hall."

"Eh..Maybe a tad bit smaller-"

"I need to visit your manor."She turned back to her essay,trying to get to the word count Snape put for them."I surely don't mind.And Zoe would be thrilled to have you over."

"Maybe during summer.."Raven got up,"I am done."

"Going to sleep already?"
"No,Probably gonna stare at the ceiling.."
"You got bored of me so fast?"He grinned,causing Raven to laugh."Someone should destroy your ego."

"At least I treat you better than I treat anyone else."
"Wow I am flattered."

They shared another laugh before Raven headed back to her dorm."I'll see you later."

"Of course.Goodnight.."
"Hey I still won't sleep..but goodnight!"

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