Chapter 7:...

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Raven was looking for slamander's blood for her Wiggenweld potion.She wandered around the potion class's shelves,her eyes looking for the damned bottl-"Oh here it is."She giggled,walking back to her seat.

She didn't fail to notice Neville was struggling with his potion,not putting the ingredients in the right order."Might as well blow up the cauldron Longbottom."She mimicked Snape,making Neville jump in his seat.

"G-Geez!Raven you don't go on scaring me like that!"He groaned,"Why are you on this side of the classroom,anyways?"

Raven held up her bottle of salamander's blood,"I was looking for this..anyways,You need to stir anti-clockwise,then you should add the salamander blood.."She smiled assuringly at him,"Thank you my saviour!"Neville smiled."Any time my damsel in distress!"She giggled and walked back to her seat.

Raven finished her potion and started popping by Draco and Neville,to be honest,there was nothing fun to do!She hoped Zoe was in this class but noo!It has to be Gryffindor and Slytherin together.

When 3 hours passed,Snape dismissed the class,Everyone grabbed their books and staff rather quickly and headed outside to their next class.Raven was walking with Astoria Greengrass-who was a pretty great friend actually!-until they got intruppted by Draco and his little gang.

"So You are heading to class?"
"...No I am heading to the Slytherin dorms to sleep-Of course I am,Blondie!Don't play dumb!"Raven rolled her eyes,making Astoria giggle quietly behind her.

Draco rolled his eyes as well,"Just asking.I thought you were going to pass by to get Zoe or something.I wanted to give her a letter Father sent for mw to give to her."

"Excuse my curiousness but,Why didn't he sent it directly to Zoe?"
"My father has an odd trail of thoughts."Draco laughed,making the two girls laugh."I am going to give it to her myself though..Thanks!"

"No problem!!"He walked infront of then both,"Your friendship is weird."

"Astoria,If i am involved in anything,Of course it'll be weird!"


"Geez Dad I have two cousins!One was in Gryffindor and the other was in Hufflepuff!"Zoe sighed,taking a peice of her cordon bleu while reading the letter her father sent."And they are a disgrace to the family."Draco reminded her,he earned a glare for that."He will come to terms with it,Zoe!Its going to be alright-Besides if he didn't..You can always come by ours!Grandma wouldn't mind."Neville assured Zoe."Grandma would most likely kick us out and adopt you."

"Your grandma probably hates my bloodline."Zoe shaked her head,"Pfsh It's not your fault you have a crazy aunt-techincally speaking-so she won't hate you."Raven shrugged,making Draco faceplam.

"He will not disown her..hopefully."Draco said,now earning a glare from Raven."And if he did,he'll have to disown me as well."He added.

"Aw!"Zoe clinged into Draco's arm,"I am not letting go ever!I am going to hug your arm until i prevent the blood from circulating!"she grined,"Woah woah what!?"

Neville nearly choked on his juice and Raven was already choking from laughter."Naaah I want you alive."Zoe unclinged frok his arm and read the rest of the letter."Hey!That's Mom's handwriting!"She smiled,"She is saying she doesn't actually care which house I am in as long as i am Happy she is happy!"

"That doesn't sound like Mom.."
"Draco techincally speaking she is a mom!Mothers are like those amazing human beings that care about you and your happiness-Do I seriously have to tell you something you know?"Zoe shaked her head.

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