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My mum is a typical Arab mother who favours one child over the other, and unfortunately for me I am the one she cares less about. What she hates more is my crown, she wanted Mahmood to be the crowned prince but dad would never crown Mahmood. Mahmood is the apple of her eye. He's my younger brother who married three times and is now single. Mum never blames him but blames the Emirati (1st wife) for being too spoilt and the Lebanese (2nd) for being too proud and lazy and the British (3rd wife) (I don't know if I should call her 'wife' because he claims they did court marriage in London. No mahr, no contract, no Imam.) for being 'ENGLISH'. I don't think there is anything like marriage between Mahmood and his 3rd wife whom he 'divorced' 1 month after the wedding. I believed he just used her to get money (huge, mad money) from dad for her(their) 'alimony'. Mahmood is brave and foolish, but my mum loves him so much and always saves him from dad. Dad? I don't like dad. There are times we pass each other without saying even salaam. He hates me so much and blames me for something I couldn't do anything about. The funniest part is he himself couldn't do anything about it. Upon all this, he gave me the crown though he hates giving me and I hate the crown more "Dad, I don't know anything about the throne. I don't know how to rule. I didn't grow up here. I don't know what Emiratis like, I do not know what they dislike. Above all, what am I going to say to my lord when I face Him? That I used to hold his title(king)? No please. I don't wanna rule dad. I don't want fame, spotlight...I abhor it all. And the things that come with the throne are funny" I giggled "marrying a princess, living in the palace, free mixing, attending shows...NO dad, that's not me. You know that. Please free me." I pleaded when I heard I was going to be crowned. But to no avail. Aunty Maryam called me and told me the conditions to rule. She gave me a long lecture and I accepted. "You should son, there's no 1 qualified to rule Dubai than you. You are religious, you have taqwa (God's consciousness) and amanah(trust). You can do it, and it's a sin if you are the most qualified and refused to do it. You know right Mahmood is not alright and your other siblings are young and immature. All they care about is wealth and women, that's why none of them is here. They have followed their desires(women and money). Your dad can't tell you this, but you are the only one he trusts." She explained "oh please" I scoffed.
My dad hates my best friend Imran, for being religious and simple. He hates my foster mother (aunt Maryam) for taking me and hates me for loving and being with these people. My dad hates my mum for also keeping quite when they took me. My mum's sister; Maryam loves me more than my mum and dad do. She's older than my mum and barren, when my mum gave birth to me, she was only 16, so she handed me over to aunt Maryam. A very soft, caring woman. She gave me everything including her milk. She named me and took care of me for 10 years. My dad hates her so much believing she raised me weak and spoilt me. The only reason my dad didn't get me back when my mother's family handed me over to aunt Maryam was because it was her first birth (some weird tradition in their house only) and honestly he couldn't help it. My mom is a princess so my dad wouldn't dare mess with them. I love how my mum keeps my dad on track using her crown, and he never crosses it(he does. Sometimes). My dad can really screw people but he never did with my mum. My point is, my dad hates everyone that I love, I just hope that he loves my wife and kids.

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