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Normally I don't get thrilled or anything when I see good looking guys or their dressing. After my life changed I lost interest in so many things. Hot guys or whatever I just don't feel anything when I see them. But this particular person; Abdallah, whenever I see him I feel strange, I don't know maybe excited and at the same time nervous. Days back when I saw him in Kandura and a scarf...subhanallah. I was taken aback. How could a guy look so good in a scarf. The way he tied it on his head and the way he walked and laughed was beautiful. Now whenever I see a guy dressed like that I stare, which is bad for my deen. And the way he was searching his pockets for coins was just funny and cute, I almost laughed at him. He looked like if he didn't take that tea, he'd die. I saved him but it's a loan.
"Humaira please I am sorry. You should understand" I pleaded, but she left upset. Zahra asked why I was fuming and I told her "Humaira said I should escort her somewhere but I told her I could not. Zahra I never refuse to escort her whenever she needed me. Just today and she is mad. Why are people so ungrateful? You do things for them all the time and they don't say anything but if you refuse for once, they get mad; all the favours you did for them disappear. Zahra you are studying psychology, make me understand. People are hard to please" I complained "Maryam you are  right but in every relationship there is something called sacrifice and that's what we do for the people we love, for the sake of Allah. If you do things for Humaira when you want to do them, that's just helping her, but when you do things for her even when you don't want to, that's sacrifice and that's what every relationship needs. Even between us and our Ilah(God). Let's say you are not a fan of music  but you listen to it (rarely) but when you heard its haram, you stopped listening to it completely but you refuse to quit makeup because you love it so much and claim you left Music so that's enough. That's a good thing but it is not sacrifice and it is not enough. Quitting makeup; which you love so much is sacrifice and the reward will be greater. Sacrifice is when you love something so much but leave it for the sake of Allah. So in your case, even if you don't want to go, you should go, for the sake of Allah and for your relationship. You cannot please people, yes! But when you do things for the sake of Allah you get the reward fully and also save your relationship. Let me give you a tip, when your friend or anybody asks you for a favour, do it, not for them but for the pleasure of Allah. That's like killing two birds with one stone. Getting reward from Allah and saving your relationship." She preached and I listened. "What if I don't want to do it at all? What if I don't want the reward?" I made a sad face. "That's Shaitaan (the devil) telling you this. Maryam you are better than this, I know you. You are someone that pursues reward and Allah's pleasure. Don't let the devil play with your mind. Okay babes?" she made a sad face "InshaAllah Zahra" I just realised Zahra is the sweetener Abdallah needs, not me. I'm sorry for using the word 'sweetener' but there's no better word. I don't even know how he came into my mind, maybe it's because he needs sugar. I cleared my throat but what needs clearing is my mind. I left Zahra's room and went to Humaira. I met her crying, these people her so emotional Subhanallah. I remember when I told Humaira about my brother's demise and had to console her to stop crying. I said "I am sorry" and she stopped crying. She said she's sorry "maybe it's because of my period that I get emotional easily" she gave me an excuse. Does it even make people emotional? I never noticed. My mood doesn't change because of that. Anyways "I am glad you understand" I said and gave her tea bags.
"I forgot to tell you Zahra I saw Abdallah for the 1st time and he was happy" I told Zahra while smiling. She gave me a confusing look and said "That's good but why are you telling me this? You sound excited too" she was looking at me with wonder in her eyes "Of course I have to tell you, I always tell you when he's sad, what's wrong in telling you when he's happy?" I defended myself "There's nothing wrong, I just see that you care about him." she replied "I care about everyone close to me" I answered "Close to you? Is he?" she asked and raised her eyebrows "No I mean oh yeah he is, after all he's a Muslim brother" I gave her a straight face "I am happy for him and ask Allah to always keep him happy. Ameen." she prays for him "Allahummah Ameen. Aww you are so sweet" I said smiling very wide "Look at you, like you are the one I had prayed for." she smirked "I am just happy for him" I told her and she shook her head.

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