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I submitted my first draft and my supervisor said it it needed so much. I was so disturbed and called mum. She assured me that everything is going to be alright and that I should be 'patient'. I thought my mum wasn't serious when she said I should be patient. She was supposed to say I should sit up and give me some tips you know. I doubted her "be patient dear...have sabr". I was like how could she tell me to relax when I am supposed to freak out and hurry and write another one. Later when I relaxed and gave myself time to calm down and process stuff, wallahi I was able to write a good one. So everything needs patience, no matter how twisted. I realised. Khalifa told me to report the lecturer that what he did to me was 'unprofessional' and mean. I didn't take his advice and did what mum told me instead. Alhamdulillah it worked. The whole dissertation thing sucks my energy and annoys me. I told Zahra that I needed a distraction; something that would make me happy. She said we should join Arabic school. We started and I go in the morning while Zarah goes in the evening because of her classes. Everything was fun and educative until the teacher started giving me an unpleasing look that made me quit. At first he said I should change my seat because my eyes are too sharp and they distract him (can you imagine). I love seating in the front since grade 1 but I changed my seat for him. Later on he said I should come back to my seat. I did. He used to pass through the line I was seated and would rub my legs, I thought the place was tight for him to pass so didn't blame him. Allah knows, but his stuff increased and I stopped going. Zahra also stopped. I came back to square 1.
One evening I saw a call and picked, it was an old woman I met at the beach few days back. I think her grandson got my number and gave her (need to find out how). She told me to visit her and I did. The setting of their house was very beautiful and simple. I loved everything about their house. They had this backyard that you can put a mat and sit with tea and a book. We sat and talked till evening. She asked me so many personal questions I wandered why she wanted to know all that. She asked me a favour I couldn't refuse after all I was looking for something to keep me busy. I love spending time with her so I agreed to visit every day. I was with her till evening when her grandson came in, she asked him to drop me but I told her taking train would be more convenient for me. She hugged me and I went out. I saw her grandson outside and greeted him. He insisted to take me home and I obliged. On the way I asked him how he got my phone number. He was so confused and lost words to tell me. Later on he said "I'm sorry I can't tell you how but I got it illegally. Forgive me." He has the guts to tell me that and not explain how. "Of course you got it illegally, I wanna know how." My face was stern and I was burning with rage. He just looked at me and turned away. I had never seen someone with so much guts and he was totally unmoved. He dropped me off and said salaam. I was at my dorm gate for about 5 minutes wondering if he is really real. I was so pissed and he knew that, still he didn't care. I was so pissed and almost didn't go to his house the next day.
The next day I met a different man I had never seen there and he was acting all mean. Grandma told me he's her son; Imran's dad. He said salaam and I never saw him again. The mention of Imran reminded me of his behaviour the other day. We were taking tea when he came in, grandma left us like it was a plan. He sat on her seat and told me he's sorry for yesterday. I just smiled halfway. He continued "I know this is difficult for you but my grandma needs you. She is ill. She met you once and was attached to you from that day and by the mere mention of your name, she becomes happy. I decided to keep you next her but I went to the beach several times but didn't see you. I prayed to Allah to find you for me and we met, Alhamdulillah. About your phone number, we contacted du and got your number. I am sorry. Please I need you next to my grandma. Her health has improved so much, thanks to you. And we have decided to pay you, please name your price." he explained "It's okay. You could have explained that day. It's not something difficult. And you don't need to pay me, I am doing this for me also. Her company keeps me happy and distracts me. What I want is just lunch and your amazing Egyptian tea." I smiled. He smiled and was very happy. So you can be a normal guy. I said in my mind and smirked.
We got a break so I bought a ticket to Nigeria for two weeks and left.

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