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When dad and Eun Jae had been at the hospital for a while, a nurse came in to let them know that I needed rest for the day.
"I'll see you soon." I waved at them, as they exited the room.

What was I supposed to do now? "I guess I'll just sleep then..." I sighed to myself and tucked the covers tightly around my body so that I wouldn't be cold.

"I'm sorry sir, but your wife doesn't have that much time left." The doctor looked at dad with a pitiful look and walked out of the room.

Mom's fragile sand life drained body was placed on the hospital bed. Dads hands met hers, folding around them as if that was the only life source she had left.
"I'm so sorry my dear wife... I promise I'll raise our daughters to be decent women." Dads sad voice echoed in the room.

"It's okay... I know you will." The voice that came out of her mouth was barely there, it was weak and small.

I felt the tears from my eyes roll down my cheeks as I stood at the foot of the bed, holding Eun Jae's hand.

"I love you, my beautiful daughters. My loving husband." It was the last thing that came out of her mouth before all we could hear, was the loud beep noise from the monitor.

"No..." I heard dad's whisper through endless streams of tears that desperately hung in the air.

It was over... this was the last time I'd see her...

"No!!" I panted like crazy as I jerked awake from my deep sleep. My heart felt heavy and my eyes were on the brink of tears.

It had only been a nightmare, but one that was too real. A nightmare that had already happened. A nightmare that had ended as soon as it started.

What was I even doing with my life? Majoring in PR and Business to do what? How did I not even have a purpose yet? In 2 years I was out of that university and then what would I be doing?

Still working at that restaurant? Working at dads store? Wake up y/n, what is it that you want with your life?

People should never leave me alone with all these thoughts running through my head so violently all the time.

Suddenly a loud buzzing sound came from the bedside table. I looked at the caller ID, which said 'The most handsome man alive'.

When did I ever have anyone in my contact list with that name? Who could it be?

"H-hello?" My voice said, almost in a whisper.

"Hey, y/n. It's Donghae." the bright voice boomed clearly through the phone.

"Oh, hi. How did I get your number? And how do you have mine? I don't remember giving it to you."

"I thought it would be good for you to have it, in case of emergencies... I saved it in your phone while you were in surgery. Then send a text to myself."

It was so good to hear his voice again, though we're not even together I sounded like a lovesick puppy.

"Okay, well I guess that was probably a good idea."

"So... How are y-" "Donghae I have to-"

We both spoke at the same time interrupting each other, which then became an awkward silence, for the first time ever.

"You go first, what did you want to say?" Donghae said softly, allowing me to speak.

"I need to ask you something... Did you pay the hospital bill?" My question came out more accusatory than I meant for it to be, which made me instantly regret asking him about it.

"Well... Yeah, I did. Is that not okay? Because if it's uncomfortable for you, then I'm sorry for doing that. I know it was way out of bounds, but I just... wanted to help you." The sad tone in Donghae's voice made me even more embarrassed and sorry for the way I asked him.

"No... it's not that. I just needed to know. It's just... no one has ever-" I could feel the tears pressing and let them freely roam my cheeks, "No one has ever done anything like that for me before. It's just something new to me, so I didn't know how to react."

"I want to thank you Donghae. Really, thank you so much." I sobbed into the phone, which was now wet from all the tears spilling down my face.

"That's okay. I'm happy I could be the one doing that for you. Are you okay?"

It felt good to know that kindness and chivalry hadn't died yet. If it didn't make me like him even more than I already did, I don't know what would.

"Yeah, I'm okay... just a bit lonely. I'm glad you called, otherwise I would have died from boredom."

Donghae's bright laughter filled my ears, like a sweet melody on a summers day. I might be getting too attached to this guy, a little too fast.

"Good. I like talking to you on the phone. Anyways, I'll come by tomorrow during visiting hours to see you. I gotta run now, my members need me. We're practicing the dance for our new comeback song. I snuck away briefly just to hear how you were."

"I like talking to you on the phone as well. I'll see you tomorrow then. Work hard and practice diligently! Fighting!" I put on my brightest voice, assuming that would cheer him up and give him some strength to work harder.

"I will. Bye!"

"Bye, Donghae."

I looked at the phone screen as if waiting for something to pop up. I stared at it for god knows how long until I was brought back to the daily life, from a nurse who came to check on my bandage.

She took it off, cleaned it and put a fresh bandage on. The gash stung a bit from the disinfectant she had cleaned it with, having me do all sorts of weird faces.

"Don't worry miss. The stinging will wear off in a short while. I'll be back with your dinner." She smiled kindly at me before exiting the room to fetch my dinner.

After a few minutes, she came back with a tray of food. She placed it in front of me on the transportable table. There was a glass of water, a bowl of sweet potato porridge and two small plates of radish and kimchi.

Seeing the food made my stomach grumble. Usually it would be very subtle, but it was so loud it even scared the nurse standing beside me. Thanks a lot stomach...

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now