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Enjoy xx

Working at the restaurant had me so exhausted every time I finished my shifts there. It was usually from walking around to the many customers all night that had me dead tired.

We were finally able to clean off and put things aside for the next day. I helped carry the wine bottles to the wine cellar and stack the chairs perfectly in a neat row.
My back was aching and my feet felt as if they could fall off any minute now.
When we had cleaned everything up, I went to the changing room to switch from uniform to normal clothing.

The smell coming from me was enough to knock me out. I would probably need a shower once I reached home.
I gathered all my stuff and clocked out for the day with my card. The heavy door opened as I pushed it with all my might.

To my disliking, it had started pouring outside. "Great..." I exhaled stiffly and sat down with my head between my knees, just hoping that the rain might stop before it got too late.

"Hey... y/n, do you want a ride?" I felt someones hand on my back and familiar voice lingered beside me. I looked up, only to find Donghae hovering over me, smiling.
"What are you doing here? Did you not go home?" I asked bewildered, but flattered that he was standing there in front of me asking to drive me  home.

His lips curled up in a slight smirk, "I came back to drive you home. Figured I should use any excuse to talk to you more."

"Really? Thank you, I appreciate it." I smiled back at him, feeling my cheeks burn slightly. I almost forgot everything and suddenly the rain was drowned out by the sound of my own beating heart.
Can he hear it? He might, since it's beating so loudly.

"Here take this.. I'll bring the car around." Donghae handed me an umbrella and ran over to get his car. Wouldn't he be the one that's wet?
A black Kia rolled up in front of me and Donghae came out from the car.

He went over to open the door for me, but he didn't have anything covering him, making him soaking wet. I quickly ran after him and placed the umbrella above his head.

"You shouldn't run around like that in the rain Donghae," I noted, looking at him under the umbrella.
"Thanks... it's okay though, as long as you don't get wet I'm fine." He chuckled slightly, but I could tell he was uncomfortable with being soaked.

I hope he doesn't catch a cold from this. He's so sweet, worrying about me like that.
"Hop in." He said and took the umbrella from my hand and waited until I was in my seat and the door was closed.

He went around to the driver's seat and got inside, starting up the car and driving away from the restaurant.

We sat silently as the rain kept pouring outside, making our vision in front blurry and almost impossible to see anything. Donghae didn't seem fazed by it and steadily drove the car down the road.

"Do you live with your family?" he asked suddenly, his eyes never leaving the road in front.

"Yes, I live with my Appa and my sister, who you already met," I answered his question, almost high pitched, which scared myself even more.

"That's good.. And where are we going?"
"Oh right, just drop me off at the convenience store." I said, expecting him to know where I meant.

He nodded and turned left down the street towards the store. Of course he knew, he had been there a few times now.

"Are you going to take the shift here now?" He stopped the car just before the store.
I nodded, "Yes. I have to help appa, he's getting older."

"Will you be okay? Aren't you tired?" He asked, worry dripping in his voice and evident in his eyes as he looked at me.
"Yeah... I'll be fine don't worry."

"I think I should come a help you, just in case." He unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

"No, you really don't need to do that." I said as he opened the door to where I was sitting.
I couldn't have him there while my dad was still in the store.

"You should be resting right now, y/n... how can I not worry. Just let me come, keep you company." His pleading eyes met mine, still evident with worry.

I finally gave in and jumped out of the car.
"Okay fine... but can you wait here until I send my appa home? He's not so fond of me being alone with any guy."

"Sure, just get me when he's gone home."
He seemed to understand where I was coming from. It was nice that he didn't get offended by it or started asking tons of questions.

"Thanks Donghae." I said and walked towards the store.
Dad was busy stacking shelves when I arrived. "Hello appa." I greeted him lightly. He turned around to see who it was.
"Hello daughter." He smiled; his eyes were puffy and he looked like someone who hadn't slept for days.
He suddenly looked so old and it broke my heart to think he was getting older.

Soon he would not be able to work here anymore. What would happen then? I sure didn't have any plans on taking over the store...

"How was work at the restaurant?" He asked continuing to stack a few more shelves.
"It was okay" I replied with a sigh.

He finished the shelves and handed the working vest to me with a tired smile.
"Thanks appa. Now go home and rest." I kissed his cheek and hugged him goodbye.

"Goodnight, dear. Thank you." He waved to me as he walked out of the store. I watched him walk away until I could no longer see him.

Then I waved to Donghae who was in his car waiting, that he was able to come in.

"What should I do?" He clapped his hands together and looked around the store.

"Just help me stack the last of the shelves." I pinged towards the shelves in the back of the store, where a few unboxed boxes were placed.

"Ok." He did the okay sign and happily skipped over to the shelves and started stacking them.

I wandered around taking notes and correcting different things on the shelves so they were standing correctly.
Then I organized the cash register and started cleaning up a bit.

"I'm done, what else is there to do?" Donghae can skipping back with the empty boxes and placed them in front of me.
"There's not really anything else to do. You can throw those in the trash outside."

He nodded and took the empty boxes with him out in the back.
The the doors opened and a customer came in.
Finally, it had been a while since anyone had come into the store.

"Yah! Where's the money?!" The customer revealed a dark hoodie and a black mask covering his face.
He had a gun pointed straight at me...

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took me a while to update xx
Sorry it's a short chapter but I've come up with a good idea for the next chapter so stay tuned 😄

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now