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It's been over a month, I know 😭😭 haven been a busy squirrel, I'll try to make some more time for writing!!! Sorryyy I know I said I'd post Sunday but I forgot, so many things has happened ☺️🤦‍♀️

The world seemed less complicated, as I sat between my sister and the guy I really liked. Eun Jae had started to warm up slightly yo the guys. It was nice to finally meet them all and I wasn't so nervous anymore.

"How are you doing now by the way? We heard about the incident," Siwon asked, obviously referring to when I was shot and sent to the hospital. "I'm okay. It's healed quite nicely now," I responded to his question with a smile and an actual cohesive sentence this time.

Siwon smiled and shifted in his seat, "That's great to hear Y/n. We were very worried, especially Donghae. He kept talking about you and worrying a lot."

I looked at Donghae when his name was mentioned. He took my hand and gave it a light squeeze.
We then spent a few hours talking about all kinds of things. Eun Jae was fully immersed in conversation with them now and finally got all those burning questions answered. It seemed safe to leave her alone with them.

"Should we get out of here?" Donghae asked and looked at the watch strapped around his wrist. I nodded, "Sure. Eun Jae will you be fine here?"

She stood up and came over and gave me a hug. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Go enjoy your date," her face was beaming with a light I hadn't seen before, but it made me happy just to watch.

"Thank you," she whispered before sitting back down with the guys. I smiled and waved goodbye to the guys as well and then followed Donghae as he made his way out of the room.

I followed him to his car and we both got in. He gave me a wry smile before he started the car and we drove off, away from sm.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked, turning my head to look at him. My heart skipped a couple of times, he was just making me feel all sorts of things right now.

"It's a surprise," he smirked at me. His eyes fixed themselves back on the road and it was obvious that he was pretty happy about this surprise location.

We drove for some time, a sign showing that we were getting to Yongsan-gu. What was in Yongsan-gu?
I felt the butterflies slowly creep into my stomach, creating tons of havoc.

I'd never actually been with a guy who seemed a excited to go on a date with me and yet here I was with Donghae.

The thought made me smile to myself as I stole a few glances at him.
We finally arrived at a large parking lot, only a few cars were still parked there.

We had to walk for a few minutes, up a small pathway.
We then came up to an overlook that gave a view over the city of Seoul.

It was beautiful with all the lights lighting up everything underneath us.

"Wow, the view is amazing," I looked up at the sky amazed at how beautiful it was.

"Yeah, the view is great," Donghae said, looking at me with a shy smile.

He then took my hand and led me toward a huge tower.
It then hit me, of course! It was the Namsan Seoul tower.

I'd seen it before in a few movies and dramas but never actually been there.

He took me all the way to the tower and all the way up to the top of the tower.
It tickled in my stomach as I looked out across the big city of Seoul from the huge windows on the top floor.

"This is really great!" I exclaimed happily glancing at him from the side.

He was still holding my hand and it was a nice, warm feeling.

Who'd ever thought I'd be standing here with Lee Donghae of Super Junior?

Definitely not me.

"Are you hungry?" Donghae smiled at me and gestured to a setup a few steps from where we were standing.

It was placed near the windows out looking all of Seoul.

A classic and romantic candlelit dinner.
I couldn't help but smile at the effort he'd put into this.

I'm sure I hadn't been cheap.

"oh wow. Did you prepare all this yourself?" I said while following him to the table.

"Yeah. I actually prepared this after I asked you out. I wanted everything to be perfect." He shyly looked at me and pulled out the chair for me.

"Thanks. It's so perfect Donghae! As long as you're here everything is perfect." I quickly covered my mouth, I was only thinking that, but suddenly I was saying it out loud.

He began laughing a sweet laugh.

"I'm sorry.. I uuh.. Didn't mean.." I started stammering.

"Y/n, it's okay. I'll just pretend I didn't hear it. Okay?" He leaned over the table stretching out an arm and brushed away some hair that had fallen into my eyes.

The action made my heart skip a beat and my cheeks started blushing immensely.

The only thing I could do was smile at him in response.

Our conversation was then cut short as someone came in dressed as a waiter with two plates on his arm.

It was a good timing because I was starving. Hopefully it would be delicious.

To my surprise it was my favorite; jjajangmyeon. How did he know?

He chuckled at my reaction, "So... I asked around and found out it's your favorite. So I thought we might have it." Donghae smiled and started mixing the noodles and brown sauce on his plate.

"That's so sweet. Thank you, I love it," I said and did the same as him. The smell engulfed me in a happy hug that  reminded me of my mom.

I smiled happily at Donghae. I could've stared at him like that for hours without getting bored.

Dinner went well, we talked about different things and ate. When we weren't eating we were talking.

"Are you ready to go?" Donghae asked when dinner had finished.

I nodded and stood up to follow him back down from the tower.

Sorry for the late update, I haven't been well. But I'll try to update more often. Thank you for reading ❤️

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now