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"What the fuck were you thinking?!" My smile was ear to ear, Feeling my pupils the size of a tennis ball.

"Nobody fucks with my friends!" The boys laugh at James's comment. "I appreciate that broly" said a smiling Jahseh.

"We should go to that carnival" I was so exited but they seemed to stare at me as if I was the crazy one. "A carnival?" Isaiah made this thinking face for once. "It could be pretty fun".

"I don't know you guys" I turn to Jahseh raising my voice, "Everybody was so excited earlier. This is supposed to be the craziest night of our lives, And now everyone's in a shitty mood because of a stupid producer" I stop myself hearing complete silence.

"There are going to be so many producers in the future, It was their loss not to work with you guys. All of you work your asses off, Take some time to have a bit of fun" I look around the moving car seeing their faces think.

"She has point, I would kill to eat some carnival cotton candy" Stokeley chuckles at Isaiah's comment. "Alright, We'll go" I couldn't help my excitement together, Wrapping jahseh tightly under my grip.

He seemed tense until he moved his hands down my back gently, Pulling away I thank him. "I can bet James won't get a girls number tonight" There was a Smacking James.

"You're on" I laugh to myself knowing James was a shy mess when it came to the girls, I wasn't planning on hoping for his downfall but I'd like to see how this bet would turn out.

"I don't even know where to go first, This looks so beautiful" Jahseh looks around chuckling.

"Would you like to take a picture with me?" Jahseh seems to be tense again before he put his arm around my shoulder making a funny pose causing me to laugh. We took a couple pictures and we let Stokeley photobomb along with the other boys.

"Stop being such a pussy, Just ask for her digits" James mocked a shockingly shy Isaiah. "That's not fair, You haven't done your bet yet".

"Who even is it?" James shyly points at a gorgeous dark skinned girl with beautiful curls. "If I do it will you guy's stop being so shy?".

All of them stare at me as if I were crazy. Walking over I begin second guessing myself, "Hi" she smiles at me looking me up and down. "Do you think I could get your number? My friends over there are too shy".

She laughs exposing her pearly teeth, "Of course sweetie" I turn my phone to her as she convescates my phone onto her hand, Looking over at the boys I see Isaiah and James with wide eyes, Stokeley gave me a goofy thumbs up and Jahseh, I don't know whether he were mad or confused.

"There you go" She says as I see her number laid out onto her new contact which read, Francesca, What a beautiful name.

"Than-" I was shocked, Her lips pressed against mine while she brushes my hair behind my ear, I decided to give in. This was probably the most craziest things I've let happen.

Placing my hands on her curves, Closing my eyes feeling her lips drown mine. She was just so beautiful. Her face, to her curves and precious skin tone.

I pull away while I smile, "You're really cute" she pauses for my name. "Riley" She nods waving bye. Walking away from that felt pretty out of my comfort zone.

"What the fuck was that?!" Stokeley exclaims. I shrug my shoulders, "She just kissed me".

"But here's her number" I let the two shocked boys concentrate on her phone number.

Jahseh pulls me from the boys, "What the fuck Riley?" His eyes said it all. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking". He just stares down at me.

"No, It's alright I'm just confused" I could tell what he was inferencing, "Jasheh I was only having fun, I'm sure I'm not attracted to woman" I couldn't let it out with a straight face.

"Sorry for guessing, Um- Could you get your phone. I'll wait here" I nod my head walking back over to the group of boys. Isaiah hands my phone with caution.

Stokeley gave me that look, "I just want to get his head off things, Oh and if you pass by one of those stands with those creepy clowns please get me one" He laughs at me short wish list.

"Alright. we'll call if anythings up" I nod saying a brief goodbye heading over to a calm Jahseh. "So what do you have planned?" His sluggish posture straightened.

"I was planning to just have some fun with you" I nod my head as I notice his shyness out of nowhere. Our goal changed for me and Jahseh.

"This is comfortable as fuck, So how long is this up for?" I thought to myself before remembering   what that sign read at the entrance of the carnival, "I'm sure for tomorrow's the last day".

I watch as the water runs calmly, Where we decided to rest our bodies was a very quiet place semi far from all the activities I planned to go to.

"So what was all that about, With Stokeley?" He looked angry once again before coughing into his arm. "Well he was upset, What happened to you and that producer. I wanted him to feel alright".

He nods his head, "I hate letting Stokeley down" I then notice what their relationship, Stokeley was like the big brother and Jahseh was the learning younging.

"His opinion is everything to me, I'm sure he's told you about our past a couple months ago" I nod my head looking away from him.

"Anyways, I'm sorry for being such a jealous piece of shit. I've always struggled with that".

My cheeks bleed a soft shade of pink. Our eyes lock before he leans in roughly. Our lips lock as I feel my stomach surrounded with burning butterflies.

His hand pulling my small frame against him, My hand placed in the back of his neck as I give in, Asking for entrance which he accepts.

There was a small moan lead it's way to Jahseh's ear. He pulls away laughing before covering his excited member with a bag of buttery popcorn.

I giggle pulling long strains of hair behind my hears. "We should get some candy" I teased which made him roll his eyes playfully.

Suddenly my phone rings, "Is everything alright?" There was laughing Stokeley, Pulling the phone away from my ear. "James isn't looking really good back here".

"Alright we'll be there in a bit" Jahseh's face reading embarrassment which made me giggle.

"It's James, They said he's not feeling good" It's as if he were ignoring me. I grad his hand aggressively before he stands on his two feet. "Just keep that there".

I lead the way as he follows behind me, I hoped he couldn't tell my palms where extremely sweaty. Although I didn't give his member much attention those butterflies got worse.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" All the boy's focus on the bag of popcorn in front of Jahseh's private area.

"What?" Jahseh questions the curious boys. "Seem's like James did a lot of bets". I roll my eyes seeing a peacefully James.

"We have a problem right, How is he going to sleep in his bed tonight and have the car back in it's garage in time before his dad kills him?" The boy's were silent before all of them got to thinking.

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