Part 10

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Part 10

Mouths hung open as they descended further towards the surface of the golden planet. There was no sign that they were unwelcome, in fact, there was absolutely no sign of life at all. Astrid guided their ship around various large buildings.

"This is strange" Ruffnut commented from behind a console. "It looks like large amounts of power is being diverted from the city grids."

"Where to?" Astrid asked.

"That's the strange part. I can't seem to find the source."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Fishlegs commented as the group watched the dark city.

"The fact that a man-made planet, older than most of this galaxy's civilizations, still has an active power grid, or that something is sucking away all that power?" Heather asked as she gave Fishlegs a curious look.

"Let me rephrase that, I have a very very very bad feeling about this." Fishlegs now stated.

"Astrid, I'm reading three life signs sixty kilometers at your ten o'clock." Ruffnut stated.

"Well that has to be Dagur and Camicazi." Tuffnut mumbled. "But who's the third?"

"Andeddu most likely. I felt the bracelet break through the Force some time ago." Hiccup guessed. "That is if they managed to find him a host body."

"Hiccup" Astrid had a dangerous edge in her voice. "Maybe next time you can tell us in advance when a very ancient and powerful Sith has been released into the galaxy."

"Sorry" Hiccup looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "He may be powerful but he's more of an annoyance than a threat."

"Don't let him hear you say that." Heather laughed. "He'll probably throw a tantrum. His ego could easily dwarf this planet."

Astrid, meanwhile, had found a place to park the cruiser. She set the ship down gently upon the large landing platform. All was eerily quiet around them as they exited the craft. Only a strong gust of cold wind blew past them making them shiver slightly. Ruffnut pointed in the direction of one of the large buildings. "The life signs came from there." She told them while getting her blaster ready. The others also had their sabers and blasters ready if a fight would ensue.

While getting closer to the building they heard some strange sounds. Hiccup stopped the group and looked around the corner. He frowned at what he saw. There a small group of droids, who looked like they had been guarding the entrance to the building the group was heading for, seemed to be getting cornered and blasted to smithereens by a much larger set of droids.

Hiccup, without thinking, used the Force to smash the aggressive droids against each other before knocking the whole group off a ledge. "Hiccup we are trying not to get noticed!" Astrid, who had also peeked out, hissed in his ear.

"I couldn't just leave those poor droids to fend for themselves!" Hiccup mumbled. "They looked more like maintenance droids than actual combat droids."

Meanwhile the little droids looked around confused. There was a flurry of beeps before three spread out in search of what had happened. One of the droids rounded the corner that the gang was hiding behind and stopped. "Oh this can't be good." Throk mumbled as the droid started alerting the others.

Snotlout, Eret and the twins had their hands on their blasters but Fishlegs stopped them when no hostile actions were taken by the congregating droids. One of the droids was pushed forward and came closer to the group slowly. A series of beeps followed. Hiccup looked at Astrid and said "My binary is a bit rusty but did that droid just say it wanted to spank us?"

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