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Riley's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and all of a sudden I felt self-concious again, the complete opposite from what I was last night when I came over here. Denny was still sound alsleep his arm wrapped tightly around me so even though a part of me wanted to move and head back to my own room I couldn't because I would wake him anyway. I just lay there, still and staring at the ceiling, sighing.

"Riley don't even think about it." I heard him chuckle

"Think about what?" I asked even though I knew exactly what he was meaning

"Running." he laughed "And don't be embarassed either." he added

Denny shifted, removing his arm from me and sat up next to me, making me look at him. Damn he looked good in the morning. He gave me a smile, running his hands through his messy hair

"I don't know what you mean." I said sticking my tongue out at him laughing

"Yes you do. I felt your entire body tesnse next to me as soon as you woke up." he said rolling onto his side

"Yes well that last night...that aint usally me." I said feeling myself blush and twidling with my thumbs

"Hey! I do not have one single complaint about last night. Riley I asked you before we started this if you were up for this and you told me yes. If you don't wanna do this then tell me that right now." he said caressing my bare shoulders with his rough fingertips.

I swallowed hard, my breath hitching in my throat when he done this before I turned around to actuallu face him. He was staring at me, an intense look in his eyes and I knew what he was waiting for ... he was waiting for my answer. I wanted to do this, that is not what I meant I just mean the way I acted last night its not me and I am not sure if I liked that or not. I sighed, running my hand through my messy hair

"Denny I never said I never wanted to do this. It's just last night, thats not me...thats not who I usually am and I don't know how I feel about it." I said being honest with him

"Riley what was wrong with who you were last night? You were confident and having fun what is so bad about that?" he asked, giving me a small smile

"I guess." I said smiling

He had a point though, what is wrong with a woman being cofnident the way I was last night? Maybe it is a good thing after all. What harm can it do? I decided right in that moment...fuck it! I reached in, crashing my lips against his and he never hesistated for a moment to kiss me back.

"That's a girl." he smirked into my lips, pulling my body on top of him.


"I will call you later." Denny said kissing me as he walked me to his dorm door

"Sorry think I am busy later." I smirked

"Oh is that so?" he chuckled, his lips falling on the skin of my neck, making me moan loudly "You sure about that Riley." he mumbled against my skin

"Hmm.!" was all I managed to get out, making him smirk cause he had me right where he wanted me

"That's what I thought." he said smugly

He reached in, kissing me once more before we decided to part ways. As soon as I turned around to walk away he gave my ass a slap, making me yelp a little

"See you later Tiger." he called after me

I flipped him off before heading into my own dorm, my best friend still sound alseep in bed and I decided I would be a pain in her ass and wake her up. I ran over, jumping onto her bed and bouncing up and down

"WAKE UP CHLOE!" I shouted making her jump out her skin and fall right off the bed

"Oh my God what the fuck?" she hissed, rubbing the back of her head

"It is was time to wake up lazy ass." I giggled

"I hate you Riley!" she groaned at me, making me laugh

She stayed mad at me for all of two seconds before she got off the floor and joining me on her bed

"How was last night?" she smirked

"Incrediable! But I was feeling awkward this morning when we woke up but that never lasted long." I giggled

And Chloe being Chloe wanted every single detail from me about last night and I told her...well most of it, some things shouldnt be shared, even with your best friend. After we got all caught up we got ready, heading out for coffee before we could even get the day started. We were heading towards the coffee cart, just chatting and laughing...Chloe check out all the hot guys along the way. I laughed at her, shaking my head. That is all she thinks about mainly...guys and getting laid.

"Riley aint that Denny?" she asked,nodding into the distance

I looked up seeing him, some red head attachted to him. They were flirting, laughing and kissing

"Yeah." I said shrugging

"Does that not bother you?" she asked

"No, not really. Why should it, Denny and I are only sleeping together, its not like we are dating or anything so he can do as he pleases." I said pulling my attention away from him

I aint gonna lie it was getting to me a little. I found myself being a little jealous but no one needs to know that. I have no right being jealous because I agreeed to our little arrangement. So if he wants to go do whatever with other girls he can go right ahead just as long as he uses protection and showers before he comes back near me. But he could have waited a little longer could he not have? I only left him about an hour ago. Though at the same time I don't know why I am surpised I know what he is like.

"You sure about that Riley?" she asked and I nodded

After that she let it drop which I was thankful of. I pushed it to the back of my head, going to grab coffee. As I turned around Denny was right behind me, a stupid smirk on his face and the red head was standing a little bit away looking very inpatient.

"Hey!" I smiled

"Hey Tiger." he said winking at me

"What you doing over here? I think someone is waiting for you and she doesnt look very patient." I laughed, nodding at the red head

"Yes she is a very impatient girl. Just grabbing us some coffee." he smiled

"OK, Cool. Well see you around Denny." I said giving him my best smile before turning and walking away from him before he could say anything else.

I knew he would properly mention it when I talk to him next but he does not need to know right now that it was getting to me slightly. Chloe looked at me raising her brow but I just shrugged and she got the hint to drop it. 

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