Falling and vulnerable

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Denny's P.O.V

I was sitting on the sofa, Riley laying on the floor on her stomach next to April watching the lion king. How they managed to convince me to watch a kids film I do not know...actually I do it was three against one, plus Riley batted her eye lashes at me and I gave in. I smiled at the scene in front of me. She seem to fit in perfectly with my family, something no other girl has really had the chance to do. I could tell my mom and April have grew very fond of her but that is not surprising, it's Riley you can't help but like her. I got lost in my own little world thinking about what had happened the last few days

"Denny son you ok?" I heard my mom's voice say as she sat down next to me

I turned around to face her, nodding and giving her a smile

"When you gonna tell Riley the truth?" she asked

The truth? The truth about what?

"About?" I asked

"About how you are the way you are and how you really feel about her." She said

What? Really feel about her? What is that meant to mean? She is a friend that I am sexually attracted to, that is the true feelings of it.

"How I really feel? She knows that." I said confused

"What she knows that you actually really like her...that you are falling for her and it's more than just sexual? She knows the reason why you can't give her more even though you really want too?" my mom said trying not to smile

I think my mom has had too much wine. She must be drunk to think all of that

"I love you mom I really do but you're delusional." I laughed

"Denny you can lie to yourself...lie to her but you can't fool me because it's written all over your face every time you look at her. Denny it's been over two years, think it's time you stop living in the past. Riley is nothing like Silver." She said

"I don't know what you mean." I said turning away from her

"She isn't gonna stick around forever if all she gets is sex from you Denny. You better make a move before someone else does. Girl like her don't stay unattached for long." My mom said shaking her head before heading back over to her chair.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair, trying to shake off everything that my mother said to me, it wasn't working though. I found my attention falling back on Riley, she must have felt me watching her cause she looked over her shoulder, smiling at me which I returned before turning back to the movie. Surely my mom can't be right can she? I needed some air, needed a moment to myself. I stood up, heading out the back, sitting on the porch stairs. I sighed, taking a deep breath. I wish my mom never said any of that cause now the thoughts will not get out my head. Could I watch her be with someone? I honestly don't know. It was bad enough when I see other guys looking at her, I hated it, it makes me jealous but to actually see her be with someone else...someone that aint me, I don't think I could cope with that. I can't give her more than I am already giving her...I just can't. It was hard enough bringing her here, never mind anything else. I hated myself for it but it is better for everyone it stays the way is cause it would all end in heartbreak...Riley's heart being the one that would get broken. I would mess up...push her away if she got too close...properly cheat on her without even meaning too. I can't do that to her, she deserves better. Maybe I should never have started this thing. My mind was in overdrive thinking about it all.

"Denny you OK?" I heard behind me

I knew it was Riley. I sighed, slapping a smile on my lips before looking over my shoulder at her, nodding. She made her way over, sitting down next to me.

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