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Riley's P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache, feeling exhausted, hoping once again last night was only a bad dream. I was soon disappointed when I felt the pain in both my wrists. I looked at them, there were now swollen and bruised badly. The thought of last night made me sick to my stomach and I had to stop myself from crying again. I reached over for Denny, remembering he was here last though he was gone, the bed was empty. I was hoping he would still be here. I sighed, rolling over, my hand landing on a piece of paper. I picked it up, reading it

Morning Sleepyhead,

Way out to grab breakfast

And coffee. Be back soon.

Denny xox

I smiled as I read it, glad that he hadn't just up and left like I thought. I snuggled back up, too cold and too comfortable to get out of bed. I felt myself beginning to drift off again when Denny walked in, making me wide awake. He looked over at me, giving me a small smile, making his way over to me.

"Morning. How you doing?" he asked, sitting on the edge of my bed

"I'm OK. My wrists really hurt though." I sighed

He reached for them, taking them in his hands gently. I seen the anger creep up again on his face when he seen the state they were in.

"I should have fucking done worse to that son of a bitch." He hissed, making me jump a little "Shit! Riley I am sorry I never meant to scare you." He said softly

"It is ok." I whispered

Denny reached in slowly, stroking my face softly with his thumb. I sighed, closing my eyes over and moving into his touch.

"I think we should get away from here today...just you and me." He said pulling away from me

"That sounds perfect Denny. Can we eat first?" I giggled

"Oh yeah forgot about that." He said handing me my food and my coffee

A silence fell between us as we ate...a comfortable one. I could feel him watching me from time to time, a worried look on his face and I knew why.

"Denny I am OK...I promise." I said

"Sorry. I can't help it Riley. The thought of him or anyone for that matter hurting you angers me. I hate the thought of it." he said, sighing, looking at the ground, running his hands through his hair.

I reached over, placing my hand on his thigh, making him look at me...eyes full of worry. I reached up, stroking his cheek

"Denny I am OK." I repeated in a whisper

"Now yes. Last night you were not. Riley I can't get the thought out of my head what could have happened to you if I was not there." He replied

"But you were there Denny." I said

"I know. Riley it don't stop me thinking the worse." He said turning away from me again

What is going on with him? I shifted closer to him, placing my finger on his chin, making him look at me

"Denny stop worrying. I am OK, I promise. And thank you again for being there last night." I said

He sighed, nodding his head before grabbing my hips, pulling me into his lap. I straddled him, wrapping my arms around his neck, his firmly staying on my hips. He looked up at me, his eyes searching mine as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. I knew what he wanted. I reached forward, placing my lips over his, kissing him softly, Denny kissing back the same way. I groaned against his lips just like always. The kiss got deeper...more heated. Denny turned us around, laying me down on the bed, coming down on top of me, his lips not leaving mine once. I reached for the bottom of his top, pulling it over his head, throwing it on the floor. I traced my fingertips over the muscles of his back and shoulders, making him tense under my touch and groan loudly. His hands reached in, grabbing the bottom of my top but then pausing, looking down at me

"Riley are you sure? We don't need to." He said through his now heavy breathing.

I knew why was asking because of what happened last night.

"Yes." I replied "Help me forget Denny." I managed to breathe out, looking up at him

Denny studied me for a moment before nodding. His lips soon fell over mine again. It only took moments for all the rest of the clothing to be removed. Denny's lips pulled away from mine, landing on my jawline, and heading towards my neck and continued downwards. His hands also exploring my entire body. I was moaning loudly, squirming below him. Every touch of his lips felt like it was making my skin burn. My head fell back and my back arched off the bed, my body responding to every kiss...every touch. His touch felt different and so did his lips. He was being gentler, it was more like butterfly kisses and they were driving me crazy. I was soon panting and my legs were shaking. My body responding to every single touch of his fingertips and lips.

"So beautiful." He whispered against my skin as he kissed his way back up my body

"Denny please...I need you." I whimpered out

He was soon towering over the top of me again, his breathing was heavy, his eyes darker than normal. He placed himself between my legs, using his knee to push them apart before he pushed forward, pushing inside of me.

"Denny!" I moaned loudly, arching into him

"Fuck!" he hissed as he started pushing in and out, getting into a rhythm, reaching down and crashing his lips against mine, his hands gripping my hips tightly as I clung to him, digging my fingertips into his back.


"Yes! Denny!" I called out as my orgasm shook my entire body, reaching my end and he soon followed, managing a few more thrust before falling down on top of me. A silence falling between us as our breathing was heavy...hearts racing...pulse racing too.

It felt different this time around. It wasn't the usual hard and rough...he was being slow...gentle with me. Everything about it was different...his touch...his kiss...his movements...the look in his eyes, even the way his full body moved against me. It was still incredible though.

Denny reached in, pecking my lips a couple of times before rolling off me, laying down on the spot next to me, pulling me close to him. I rested my head on his chest, drawing circles on his chest, his fingers playing with my hair. He reached down, kissing the top of my head but not saying a single word. The silence filled the room for a few minutes

"Denny are you ok?" I asked rolling onto my stomach, looking at him

He turned to face me, reaching in, pushing the hair away from my eyes before giving me a small smile.

"Yeah I am fine." He said

"You sure?" I asked

"I promise." He said reaching in kissing me

I never believed him but nodded anyway. He sighed, pulling me close to him again. Seriously what is going on with him? I pushed it to the back of my mind

"So you still wanna get out of here?" I asked

"Yes. I think we should just jump in the car and see where end up. If we get lost we can just check in somewhere, find our way back tomorrow." He said

"I dunno." I said worried

"Come on Riley live a little. Be spontaneous with me? You know you wanna." He smirked "We can even stop for a quickie on the way." He added winking

And look at that he is back. The Denny we all know and love...well like, love is taking it a little far. I shook my head, laughing

"Fine!" I said giving in

"I always win baby." He said laughing, kissing me before we decided to make a move and get ready for our adventure.

I was both nervous and excited for it. Wish me luck?

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