Chapter 4

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Jordyn's POV


Kevin- hey, why are you yelling?

Kathy- She came home with a boy he drove her home and they took forever for her to get home and I don't allow it so i'm asking her why!

Kevin- Okay, well we are not her actual parents so we can't tell her what to do. SO technically she doesn't have to listen to you Kathy. You are just trying to control her just leave her alone for once i'm sick and tired of being the bad guy. Especially when I don't stop you from beating the living crap out of her but that's going to change. 

Kevin- (Looks at Jordyn) And you don't have to listen to her. (Pulls jordyn into another room) Now that she's not here listening, Jordyn if she hits you or anything you call the cops or run to a friend's house or whatever and i'll back you up a hundred percent I promise. So don't be afraid and you can do whatever you want as long as it's not getting pregnant or illegal things that's all I ask. I hope you understand. 

Jordyn- Yes I do and thank you for everything

Kevin- It's all my fault and i'm going to fix everything so the first thing is sometime soon I am going to schedule you to go visit your real parents and if you like them you can live with them or if you don't i'll get a house by myself, get a divorce because I don't wanna be with an abusive person. Anyways if you don't wanna live with your real parents you can live with me that's up to you so just let me know ok?

Jordyn- Okay, thank you, thank you so much

Kevin- Your welcome kiddo

I run straight to my bedroom and plop onto my bed. It was about four-thirty and I was about to call Caleb to say sorry but Kevin came into my room. 

Kevin- Dinner's ready

Jordyn- What are we having?

Kevin- Pizza

Jordyn- Alright i'm coming down

I run down stairs to eat dinner and it was silent the whole entire dinner until I said something. 

Jordyn- Kathy i'm sorry for being late 

Kathy- better be. I don't care what Kevin says it's not stopping me from ruining your life

(Kevin walks in)

Kevin- let's all just get along tonight please

Jordyn- Sorry, I'll try harder next time

Kathy- Whatever

Kathy storms into her room and never came out which was a good thing. After dinner, I rushed back to my room ton call Caleb. I called him but he didn't answer. It was about four times that I called him and he still didn't answer so I started to go to bed. At about ten o' clock I got a call. From Caleb. I answered it upset.

The conversation

Jordyn- Hello? (with attitude)

Caleb- What's wrong? 

Jordyn- Nothing

Caleb- please tell me I won't get mad

Jordyn- I'm sorry but I called you several times and you didn't call me back till now I felt bad for blowing your phone up but now I don't anymore.

Caleb- Good don't feel bad because I give you permission to call me as many times until I answer, so it's okay don't worry. and i'm so so sorry beautiful, I had things going on and i'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset. Do you wanna go to bed and we can talk tomorrow? 

Jordyn- You think i'm beautiful? and no it's okay I called to say sorry about earlier I felt really bad and I almost cried. I also wanted to say that my parents are my foster parents but don't say anything because your the only one I told. Anyways, my foster dad had stuck up for me because my foster mom...

Caleb- abusive yeah I know everyone knows your parents but I know them extremely well and they use to have a daughter and her mom beat her to death so she's no longer with us. yeah I will never say anything but everyone already knows. I'm truly sorry you had to go through that. So, what's going to happen now?

Jordyn- Well, my foster dad is setting up a schedule to see my real parents soon. He said if I like them I can go live with them but if I don't wanna live with them I can come live with him and it will just be me and him the rest of my life. 

Caleb- Well that's great. If you do end up living with your parents i'll definitely miss you.

Jordyn- Awe i'm going to miss you more though. 

Caleb- Not possible 

Jordyn- Yes it is. 

We continued to talk for hours until I got tired. We said goodnight to each other and went to bed. I woke up and it was nine o' clock. I"M LATE FOR SCHOOL. 

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