Chapter 15

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Jordyn's POV

I was in the trunk of a car. That is a fear of mine. I started freaking out. I can't be in a little place like this. I started banging on the top in the back of the car and then we came to a sudden stop. Jean opens the trunk and takes the tape off of my mouth. "STOP BANGING," She says angrily. "I'm sorry, have a fear of trunks. Why are you doing this? You will never get away with this I hope you know that," I said with anger. "No I won't get caught. I'm glad that you are afraid of trunks because you are going to sleep in here so get comfortable while you can. She put something in my mouth after I was done refusing. She then closed the trunk. It seemed like hours and then everything went black. 

Caleb's POV

"We have to find her," I said crying. We are driving everywhere we can to go and find her. We get to the store she was at. Someone that worked there picked up Jordyn's phone so she gave it to me when she figured out what was going on. I opened her phone and it was in an app. She was recording the whole thing? We have evidence! "Guys she recorded the whole thing," I said excitedly. "THAT'S MY GIRL," I said happily. 

Jordyn's POV

I woke up and I was still in the trunk but the car felt like it wasn't moving. My head started to hurt. I started to freak out all over again. I was banging and yelled for help but no one came. It felt like forever when the trunk finally opened. Abby was standing there and grabbed me out of the trunk. She untied my hands from my back and took the rest of the tape off of my mouth. 

"Jean wants to see you so don't do anything stupid," Abby says grabbing my hand. She went to guide me to Jean. I elbowed her in the stomach and kicked her in the face then ran. I didn't stop running I kept running until I found somewhere safe to be. Two teenagers were driving and stopped when they seen me. Abby caught up with me and hit me in the face so hard she drew blood. I felt like I was going to faint so I tried to keep moving. 

The two teenagers got out of the car both girls. They both grabbed me and put me in their car. They went up to Abby and started trying to talk to her. Abby tried to hit one of the girls with a pole but the girl caught the pole. She grabbed it and threw it far so that she couldn't walk over to get it. She punched Abby in the face. Both of the girls ran back to the car and drove off with me. I was about to tell them what was going on but just fell backwards with my vision turning white completely. 

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