Chapter 17

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Jordyn's POV

I woke up to the sound of my ears ringing. Everything around me was spinning. I wanted to get up and run but I was frozen, I couldn't move. I wanted to cry but I knew that I had to be strong, not just for myself but also for the two girls that saved me. The phone they just bought for me was sitting in the car. I needed to call Caleb before he gets killed by trying to save me. I try to reach for the phone when I hear another gunshot. 

I look up real fast and Kathy is on the ground laying there in a pool if blood. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was mean to her and I shouldn't have been. That has only crossed my mind and then I realized I made the biggest mistake, my big mistake was being mean to the only good mother I had and now she is gone. So, I decided to get out of the car and be strong and brave for her. For the best mom I could ever have. My dad is dead too and I have no one to take care of me so I need to take care of myself for them. 

I grabbed the phone and it had service. I pulled the girls into the back and got into the front seat to drive the car. I haven't gotten that much experience in driving so this was hard enough but I knew I could handle it. I found a bottle of water and splashed it onto the girls and they woke up, thank god. They were just passed out. I seen Jean standing in front of the car and wanted to run her over with all the might that I had but I didn't. Instead, I turned around but she just kept shooting at the car.

I get somewhere hoping that she didn follow me. I parked the car somewhere secret where my foster dad would always take me when I was little. It was like a little town but I thought maybe she knew about it so I had to get out and move somewhere. I went inside this little store asking for help. ¨Someone help! My friends are in the car and I need help! I was kidnapped and I got away from them, they shot my friends and I need help. Please!¨

They rushed over to me and brought me in the back while I had the phone in my hand. The girls that were in the car were passed out again, and I needed to go back for them. So. I ran. I ran outside and the girls were gone. WHAT? This is so weird. I dropped the phone. The girls were laying in the grass. I ran over to them fast. 

When I got to them they both stood up and they trapped me. Katelynn had a gun and Daniel held onto me. I tried to get loose and then I heard a familiar voice. ¨JORDYN!!!! NO!!! LEAVE HER ALONE, DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER.¨ It was Caleb. I looked back and a gunshot went off another damn gunshot. 

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