Chapter 6

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Jordyn's POV

When I walked inside my house, I heard absolute silence. That's not a normal thing in this house. I look everywhere, in every inch of the house. No one to be found. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the front of the fridge. 

The note:

Hun, Kathy and I are going to be out all night. Find somewhere to spend the night because it's not safe for you. You might stay there for a long time so grab everything you need. I'll keep in touch with you so keep your phone on. I love you. -Kevin

At that moment, I was terrified. I didn't know what to think. I packed EVERYTHING. I packed everything in my room except the furniture. It looked extremely empty. I called Caleb as soon as I was done.

Caleb- Hello? (crying)

Jordyn- Hey, what's wrong? Uh so can you come get my luggage i'll tell you everything later when we see each other. Are you okay? 

Caleb-Yeah, and alright Hun. i'll tell you what happened later I really can't talk right now i'm driving but i'll be there soon.

He sounded broken. That broke me. I broke down crying. Do I really like him. I think that I might but I don't know what I want anymore. He arrives at my house around four- thirty. I was still in tears, so he runs towards me as fast as he could. He held me in his arms for a long time. 

He finally put all my things in the car. I started to help because it took us a long time to put everything I had into the car. After we are done, we walk back inside to talk a little bit. 

Jordyn- Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me anything. I care about you. (starts to cry) Please tell me. 

Caleb- (rubs the tears from Jordyn's face). Sweetheart, don't cry i'm here. I care about you more than everything. It's the problem. I don't wanna lose you. You mean everything to me I can't lose you. I just...can't. I almost got into a car accident and I was afraid if I did i'd never get to be with you. 

Jordyn- Caleb. You will never lose me. I like you more than anyone. I talk to you only. I don't talk to anyone else but you. You have become my number one priority. I won't let you lose me. If we even ever do get into a huge fight and i'm mad at you or something, I will still try and figure it out and i'll come back to you (puts her hands on Caleb's cheeks). I hope your okay because losing you will be the worst thing in my entire life. Look, i'll go get ready real quick and we can go to your house until you take me out. Stay here it won't take me long my clothes are laying on my bed. I'll do my makeup at your house cause I don't feel safe here. I'll be right back though okay?

Caleb- Okay, but are you sure that you will come back to me and i'll never lose you?

I walk towards him in a fast pace and I kiss him and didn't stop. I put my hands around his neck and he pulled me by the waist as close as he could. I love when he does that. I love when he touches me. I push him against the front door and make out with him. I finally stop and then I walk upstairs. 

When I got upstairs, I put my dress and shoes on. I didn't do my hair yet because I don't feel like it. My dress was a short black dress. My boobs popped out but it fit perfectly. I looked good in it. My shoes were silver high heels that were open toed. I looked in the mirror but see a guy standing behind me. I turned around real fast. 

Jordyn- What are you doing here Kory?

Kory- I am here for you. I want you bad.

Jordyn- No, you messed that up. You ruined my life. You raped me and you want me to just let you back into my life no.

Kory- Fine have it your way. 

He walks closer to me. 

Jordyn- What are you doing?

I walk back and fall onto the bed. He jumps on top of me and tries to take my clothes off. This is not happening again. I scream as loud as I can and Caleb walks in faster than I've seen any guy run before. He pulled Kory off the bed and looked at me. He started to cry. 

Jordyn- I can't move he did something I don't remember. I just...I can't move. Don't cry please. 

I try to reach my hand out to his face. My hand was too hard to lift so I gave up. Caleb punched Kory in the nose and Carried me out of the house. Suddenly everything went black. The last thing I saw was Caleb's car. I could only hear silence, not just any silence. Pure silence. 

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