Chapter 13

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Jordyn's POV

THERE IS NO WAY I"M LETTING HIM GO WITH ABBY TO SEE A MOVIE. ESPECIALLY ALONE. HOW DARE HE SAY YES? It was about three days after that had happened and i'm still in the hospital. The doctor came back in and did a couple more things to help me wake up. It was around four o' clock I disappeared and everything turned white again. 

Caleb's POV

Four more days and then i'd be going to the movies with Abby. I felt horrible but I needed this. It was five. An hour ago the doctor did more procedures on Jordyn to wake her up. I was waiting with my head on Jordyn's chest. All of a sudden I felt a hand going through my hair. I stood up fast. "BABY. Your awake," I said happily. The doctor came in and said, "You can take her home whenever you need to we will have police watching your house so no one can come in to hurt her." 

I drove back home and let Jordyn rest in my bed. I cooked her dinner and took care of her. She went back to sleep after dinner. I walked in my room to go to bed also. I woke up in the middle of the night because Jordyn had a nightmare. "What? What's wrong babe? Are you okay?" I asked scared. 

"Yes I'm fine just upset about something that came back to me in my sleep," she says crying. "Was it something that happened when you were in that coma?" I asked curiously. "Yeah something like that," she sighs with attitude. "What happened? You can talk to me so tell me," I said scared to where this was going. "You are not going to that movie with Abby Caleb." 

Jordyn's POV

I was waiting for him to reply which took him forever to do. "Why? She had apologized. She didn't mean to try and do that at all," he said in a defending voice. "Why are you defending her? She isn't sorry at all she is just trying to take you away from me. She is up to something and i'm going to get to the bottom of it. So you are NOT going," I said in a stern voice. 

"I am not defending her at all but she is my friend she always has been. You can come if you want," Caleb says shrugging his shoulders. "NO, YOU ARE NOT GOING END OF CONVERSATION. HOW DARE YOU EVEN SAY THAT. If she was really your friend she wouldn't try and split us up in the first place. She knows exactly what she's doing, come on Caleb be smarter than that," I said then walked away. 

I went into the bathroom and washed my face so I didn't look like a monster from crying. I decided to not put any make-up on since i'm not going anywhere. I walked out of the bathroom, grabbed my purse and went to go find Caleb. He was in the living room watching TV so I sat next to him. I looked up at him and said, "I'm going to the store, I love you." He grabbed my face with one hand and put the other on my waist. 

"I love you too baby," he says with a grin. He then kissed me and I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. I kissed him back and then he finally pulled away. "I'm sorry about earlier, I won't go if you don't want me to and I am not her friend no more. You are right and I shouldn't of argued with you about it. I am so sorry," he says giving me a huge hug. "It's okay I forgive you. I'll be home soon. Call my phone if you need me," I said scared of what's going to happen. 

I took the keys to the car in the garage. Another one of Caleb's. I drove to the store that was by our school being aware of my surroundings. I started walking in the aisle's looking to see if someone I knew would run into me. Then, all of a sudden, Abby walks up to me. "Hey, Jordyn. I see you are out of your coma," she says batting her eyelashes. "Uh, Yeah obviously," I say in a snooty attitude. 

I secretly pressed the record button on my phone in my pocket. "You know what? I don't like you and I don't care if you don't like me either, but I wanna know why you are stealing Caleb away from me he is gonna be mine sooner or later. So? Why did you stop him from going to the movies?" She said getting in my face. "You know what I never had a problem with you until you had tried to mess up my relationship with Caleb. So yeah I did tell him not to go but he also agreed. He will never like you he only sees you as a friend and not even anymore after I tell him what you said," I said trying to walk away. 

I seen a lady about twenty years old getting out her phone to call someone and then point her camera at us secretly. "Not gonna happen Jordyn," Abby said grabbing my arm tightly. The lady came tried to come over and say something but she was too late. Jean stepped in front of me and grabbed me and lured me to her car. Was she seriously kidnapping me? 

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