Chapter 21

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Jordyn's POV

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. Caleb was still laying on me sleeping. It was night, i'm surprised the doctor's let him stay the night here. I move Caleb off of me so that I could stand up to see who was walking around at this time of night. I walk out of the room and see someone familiar. It was Abby. "I told you to kill her," she says walking back and forth. 

I couldn't see who the person she was talking to was. I stepped out further to get a better look and then I found out. It was Katelynn. How is she still alive? I thought she was dead! All these thoughts going through my mind I was scared and I had to get back to Caleb. They started walking down the hallway so I followed them, because I just have to be nosy. 

I hid behind a wall to hear their conversation, but I fell. I'm so clumsy, always falling on something. They stopped and looked behind them. "Did you hear that," Katelynn asked sacred. "Yeah, I think someone is following us," Abby said madly. They started to walk towards me so I found a closet and hid in there. 

Caleb's POV

I woke up freaking out. Jordyn was gone. She wasn't in her bed. I wanted to scream for her but I knew people were sleeping and I had to respect that. I got up and started walking and whispering her name. Nothing but silence filled the air. I can't lose her. Not again. 

I walked a little more but stopped. I seen Abby and Katelynn circling a closet door like they thought someone was in there or something. Oh no. What if Jordyn is in there. I slid behind a door in one of the rooms. How can Katelynn be alive. She was dead. 

As I was wondering about these thoughts I heard shuffles coming my way. I looked through the crack of the door. "There she is," Abby yelled. "We have been looking all over for you," her voice growing louder. 

Jordyn's POV

I had to get out of this closet so, I decided to make a run for it. I decided to run as fast as I could back to my room. I ran and ran as fast as I could but something stopped me. I couldn't stop being nosy and wondering what they were talking about. I turned around and there they were. Looking at me yelling for me. Running after me, so I bolted.

I ran faster than I could before but then Caleb ran in front of me. He pulled me with him and we got back to my hospital room. He put chairs against the door so they couldn't get in and I pushed the button to call the nurse. By the time that the nurse came the girls were gone. Thanks to Caleb the police caught them at the entrance. He called the police. "These girls will never bother you again," the officer says. 

"You can finally go home now," The nurse says looking at me. I jump up in excitement but realize that we don't have a home anymore. "I got us a place when you were in that coma,"  Caleb said pulling me closer to him. I look up at him and he gives me a long hug. He hugged me like he hasn't seen me in months. "Don't ever leave me love, please," he says sounding like he was going to cry. "I won't, I promise babe," I said gripping his arms. 

2 Years Later

Caleb's POV

I love waking up to my wife. Looking at her beautiful face every morning. Being able to protect her and being happy because she's mine for the rest of my life. She wakes up and yawns and I smile at her. She looks up at me and gives me the biggest kiss in the world. She rolls over and we just lay there cuddling the rest of the day. I will make sure for the rest of her life she is safe with me. 

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