Chapter 16

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Five days had zipped by and Kema couldn't believe that she hadn't yet been able to corner Oliver. The course had ended this afternoon. Miss I'm-Special-Because-I'm-Shagging-The-Boss had handed out evaluation forms. Kema had filled hers out with one eye on Oliver but by the time she submitted it, he had disappeared. What the heck?

Now, in her hotel room, she yanked off her T-shirt and grey jeans, stripped off her underwear, trying to ignore the tiny triangle of hair on her pubis. She had shaved down there yesterday evening, because it had become a little overgrown, like a mini jungle. Not that anyone here would ever see it...

She threw on a bright yellow bikini, draped her body with a housecoat and fled from her empty, boring room. She had spent most of her evenings here, either on phone calls with Wumi, Ikenna or Adaeze or working on her blog with the television blaring in the background.

She reached the poolside. Super. No-one else was here. She shrugged off the coat and plunged into the pool. Around her, day was handing over the reins to night. The hotel loomed up above her, electric lights twinkling out of the windows. Which one of the rooms was Oliver's?


Oliver stuffed six condoms into the back pocket of his jeans. He had a date with Ini in her room and he needed something to take his mind off Kema. Watching her, from the corner of his eyes for five days had been exhausting. He needed to forget her golden skin, those chocolate lips, and her heady perfume.

He dashed out of his room and loped into the elevator.

Ini's room was one floor below his but she had escorted Steven and Brad, the Head Trainer, into the city for a dish of goat-head in oil or something like that. He had shivers even thinking about it. But Brad was the adventurous one. He loved Nigerian food. Anyway, she had called a few minutes ago. Their vehicle would be pulling into the hotel premises in about five minutes. He would take her by surprise; meet up with her at the gate.

He exited the lobby, and passed outside. Ahead was the pool. Maybe he would sit out there, stare up at the stars and wait for Ini.

Kema sliced and diced the water, giving it her all. She needed to get tired enough to return to her room and collapse until the next morning.

She arrived at one end of the pool, chest heaving. Raising her head, she stared ahead. It had grown darker. But not too dark to sight Oliver at the poolside, staring into the light from his phone.

"Hi!" She called out.

His head jerked up, his face moved forward.

"It's Kema."

He left his seat, came closer, bent over the pool. His green eyes glowed with their own light. "Why are you out here all alone?"

She treaded water and grinned up at him. "Who else am I supposed to be with? You're the only one I know here."

Oliver ran a hand through his hair. "That's not true, Kema. There's Margaret."

"You abandoned me for five whole days. Oliver, that's not fair."

"Let's not get into that now. I have somewhere to be."


Oliver fingered the condoms in his pocket. His mouth pursed. "Ini's room."

Her face dropped.

His heart hurt. Damn, he needed to get away from here. But his feet remained in place. He said, "Kema, what do you want from me?"

"Can you give me a few seconds? Please... don't I deserve at least that?"

He blew out air. "Yes, okay. Do you want to step out?"

Unhinged by his White Heat (Unhinged Erotic Romance Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now