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  "We ruined each other by being together. We destroyed each other's dreams."   

Kate Chisman

Our hands looped together as I smile over at his face "I love you." He grasps my hand tighter whilst hugging me "I love you too. But don't you think your Mom's going to go all psycho on you for being out so late." I laugh at him whilst looking up at the stars "I'll climb threw my window and if she catches me I was helping a friend."

I shiver slightly as he drapes his jacket over my shoulders "I can only imagine what she would say. 'Those Muties are nothing but trouble' " He mocked in a high pitch voice whilst pointing his finger. I poke away his arm whilst groaning "We are meant to be on a date not fantasizing about my Mother." He hugs my waist pulling my closer his body keeping me warm "Fine what is it that you would like to do?"

I move my finger to my chin as I begin to think of endless possibilities but I conclude to "I wanna wear your hat." He removes his cap from his head and fix it on mine, lacing my fingers together under my chin and smile "How cute do I look?" He looks around puzzled and says "I think I might have to deduct points cause you keep taking my clothes."

I hit his chest lightly and laugh "We both know that you love it." A phone ringing cuts our silence short as he looks down at his cellphone he looks backup at me as he quickly answers it. He whispers quietly making sure I don't here him until he hangs up the call he smiles apologetically.

I look away from him as I already know what is to happen. He hugs me quickly and apologises briefly I nod to him as I turn away beginning to make my way home cursing at myself for letting him go so early.

I finally reach the apartment block and go around back to climb up the fire escape the cold breeze stings my exposed arms as I venture into the confines of my Mother's small apartment.


My hands fall heavily on the door my tears mixed with the rain that was pouring down. I bang again screaming out for help. The door flies open as my now icy white eyes meet his doe brown ones, He runs to me embracing me in a tight hug never wanting to let go.

I cry into his embrace whilst he drags me into his home. He had called out to his parents and brother but it had all seemed like a blur to me.

"Cal" A soothing voice says in my mind I take deeper breathes as the voice continues "You need to calm down and take the SSRI's"  I slowly open my eyes to see that his face was full of worry and his mother holding a pill and a cup of water.

She hands them to me and I take long slow sips swallow the pill.

"Cal what happened?"

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