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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

Lao Tzu

"You can't switch chocolate with food coloring!" I laugh mixing the ingredients together. "Why not?" He asks defensively, wrapping his arms around my and resting his chin on my shoulder "Because Elías we are making a chocolate cake not a brown shit cake."

"That wasn't as funny as you think" He kisses my cheek pulling the electronic mixer away from me and walking to the otherside of the kitchen. I pout slightly, missing the warmth he had momentarily moved away.

My eyes travel from the silky hair on his head, to the toned muscles on his back a smile tugs at my face due to the thoughts that rush through my mind. "You know I can hear your thoughts? Right?" He turns to me a smile on his face as he tastes some of the batter.

"I know you can, it's not like I haven't said these things out loud before" I walk over to him hugging him like he had done to me before. I turn his face to mine pecking his lips, but moving back in as I make the kiss deeper Elías moves me infront of him and pulls me closer to his body by my waist.

Elías pulls away for a breathe "The chocolate cake." I smile pulling away, I walk over to his cupboard and pull out the chocolate chips as well as the cocoa powder. "You're really hot" I look over at him as I pour in the chocolate chips.  "I know you tell me almost everyday." "I think we need to change that to every single day then." I open the cocoa powder measuring it out.

"Then I get to call you beautiful every single day." Elías begins to mix it together. "Hey beautiful, do you know how beautiful you are?" Elías puts the mixer down "Does it ever occur to how cringy we get some times?" I get the cake tin from the other counter "We aren't that cringy we have our moments"

"This is one of tho-" a heavy knock is head throughout the house. I look between the door as the incessant knocking continhes to Elías who immediatly grabs my hand and runs my up to his room passing his parents who give him an assertive look. "Keep Cally in your room till it's over." I'm pulled into his room as he shuts the door behind us.

"Elías what if it's sent-" "It's not they would have barged down the doors already I'm gonna look out the window." Elías mabes away from me towards the window I watch his face turn into slight shock then disgust "It's your Mother." I run over to the window to see my Mother standing at their porch screaming obscenities. "Can you hear her thoughts?" I ask as his hands try to steady my own shaking ones.

He hums in response as he pulls my closer to him I watch as his face scrunches up. "She wants you, she wants you to go home so she can b-" His body immediatly tenses as I realise what he was about to say. "You're not going anywhere." Wet droplets begin to run down my cheeks and I shake furiously in Elías' grip.

"I need you to focus on your breathing and the sound of my voice" I nod pulling away as im guided to his bed he sits me down wrapping his arms around my body protectively "I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you Because im always gonna be here for you."  "And what if I lose you?" His arms tighten slightly "Then I'll find you again and again so I can hold you like this."

"I calmed down without my SSRI" I acknowledge wiping away the left over tears. "I know and I'm proud. You really are beautiful like this." I scoff "What post anxiety attack with tear stains?" Elías shakes his head kissing my forehead "No. Your most beautiful when I get to hold and appreciate you, like I do now."

"It's not fair that you get to read my thoughts and know exactly what I'm think all the time, even the weird stuff" I mumble puffing my cheeks "You do think really weird thoughts." He smiles widely laughing a bit.

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