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"True love stories never have endings."

Richard Bach

"What the hell!" I jump up expecting to be on the ground in the middle of the woods but suprised as I found myself in a sofa wearing an entirely new outfit. I raise my fists as I hear a door opening but a voice soon invades my mind "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." Clenching my fists tighter screaming out "Who the hell are you?"

"Promise you won't attack." "Who the-" I get cut off. "Promise." His stern voice warns now no longer in my head. I lower my fists nodding forgetting he can't see me "I promise." The man's footsteps beat against the floor faster as he comes closer, I slightly mistake it for my raising heartbeat.

My eyes look eagerly as he comes closer and closer into my view and soon his features become familiar and an unknown pressure begins to release from my heart with the one word I utter.



"Hey sweetie do you wanna be friends?" Lauren smiles down at the younger girl with mesmerizing green eyes. The younger girl shakes her head "No I already have a friend." Lauren kneals down to the girls height "If we can't be friend's can I at least know your name?"

The little girl doesn't play along and keeps a staight face. "Only my friend is aloud to call my name" "Nedra!" A feminine voice calls making the yournger girl turn as Dreamer came into view "It's time for you to head to bed now." Nedra nods looking back at Lauren "She isn't my friend but I let her use my name because Cally said she can."

Lairen smiles even wider "Is Cally your friend? Can I meet her?" Nedra shakes her head at the blonde girl "No you can't because she isn't here anymore. She left but she is safe now."

"Nedra that's enough come on." Dreamer touchs her hand pulling her towards Titan's bed.


"I thought you were dead. When I went back to the house... it was..." I pause looking away from the guilty look on his face "The Sentinel services provoked my parents into a fight and they were killed." I reach out to touch his hand "I'm sorry." He smiles flatly at me, sipping some of his coffee.

"When I found you in the woods your powers were going hay wire. Then you started to calm down somehow." She recalls I nod listening to him "When my powers first came I wasn't in control and I wasn't taking the SSRI. I soon learnt that the SSRI help suppress my powers when I wasn't around Nedra." Elías nods smiling at my face seeming interested.

"Who's Nedra?" "Nedra is a little girl that is really special to me, She resembles you a lot actually. I help her and she helps me but her support doesn't travel far enough." I mumble the last part poutinh a little "I missed you." He hugs me whispering "I kept think what would've happened if I'd left with you but it seems like I found you anyway." I move into the hug my arms lacing around his waist like they had so easily done before.

"I'm happy you found me." I breathe out trying pull him closer as he moved away. "I have something." Is all he says as he leaves but shortly returns his hands behind his back "Now would be the time to tell me if your going to secretly pull out a gun and shoot me." I move forward in the coach slightly moving my hands into a easier position.

His face scrunchs in confusion "I can Literally read your thoughts. Calm down I'm not going to kill you. You're too cute." I smile looking to the side. As he pulls out wamhat ever he had I look over to see my hat. "You cleaned my hat. Thanks." I stand to take it from him "Actually as far as I remember its my hat. You stole it." He moves it just out of my reach "Actually as far as I remember you willingly gave it too me and then left without asking for it back." I jump up to grab the hat but fall into his chest.

"That was when I was your loving boyfriend." His hands wrap around my waist and mine fall on his chest "Well you never broke up with me we were just away from eachother for 6 years." I whisper as his head slowly comes down to mine his lips hover and I feel his breath fan against my own lips. "Then I guess were gonna have to make up for those 6 years."

He leans down kissing me our bodies sewn together in a tapestry of our rekindled love. Elías' hands travel down to my thighs eliciting a small giggle from my self as he lifts me off the ground and starts on a journey to somewhere. But I'm too entrapped in his lips as we continue to kiss.


[A/N] Some people have said they dont understand the storyline so let me explain if its ' - ' it's any point in history and it will connect to the ' + ' chapters because they are in the chronological present.

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