Chapter 13

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" So I'll be working here with you guys, please take good care of me! "
" Of course we will. For now on, Remi would teach you everything. " said the boss.
" Yea- what?! Me? Seriously? " said Amber.
" Okay then. "

" So you're Jackson huh? Any more details about you? " asked Amber.
" I came from Hong Kong actually and I'm very into sports... what else... uh... " said Jackson.
" Dude. No pressure. I'll know you more eventually. I'm Am-Remi by the way. "
" I know you, I heard that you're very popular among the female customers. "
" Oh really? Ha, didn't know that I'm this famous. " Amber did her hairflip again.
Jackson chuckled.
" Your hilarious... I bet you got a lot of girlfriends already. "
" What? No. No no no no no." said Amber.
Jackson squinted his eyes at her.
" I said no! Jackson Wang just get started. "

" So this is how you input your orders and also those table orders... Any questions?" said Amber.
" So... I can work now? " asked Jackson.
" No. You have to follow me around these few days. "
" Do I get free cake or something after? " asked Jackson.
" I don't see any reason to grant you some 'free cake' but if you are doing great these few days, I may consider buying you some. " smiled Amber.
" Do I get one from you too? " said Kris while tying a half body apron to himself. (Kris is working at the café too rmb?)
" Not you. " Amber rolled her eyes.
" Hi! I'm Jackson, I'm new here and you are? " he held out his hand to Kris.
Amber grabbed Jackson's hand and said
" Just ignore this jerk, just know that he's a perverted annoying weird alien monster molester child is enough. Let's go. " she pushed Jackson away and showed her tongue to Kris and left the kitchen. Kris shook his head and smiled.

" Remi~ "
" Welcome back, Miss Krystal. May I help you? " said Amber.
" Is he new? I see him following you the whole time. " asked Krystal.
" Yes. He's Jackson, you'll probably see him working around more often in future. " explained Amber.
" He's good looking... but not as good looking as my Remi hahaha. " Krystal winked at Amber. Jackson laughed behind Amber, she elbowed his arm.
" Ouch! Was it necessary? " whispered Jackson.
" For Jackson Wang? Yes. " whispered back Amber.
" Huh? Well indeed Remi is more handsome, how dare you to question my opinion. " side eyed Krystal. Clearly she mistaken that Jackson was talking to her, it's actually another 'her' which is Amber.

" Woah! So that's how you work for full four hours... is Kris always talkative or just around you? He seems... to always talk to you. " grinned Jackson.
" He is so annoying right, yea i understand you can't stand him the first day already. " sighed Amber while trying to grab her clothes from the locker.
" Is it that we can leave directly after we changed? " asked Jackson holding his normal clothes. Amber nodded.
" Normally, the girls change first and Normally they take a long time so we leave the last. " said Amber pointing at the changing room which has only one stall.
" Why not change outside then? " asked Jackson.
" W-we don't do that. " Amber shook her head.
" We're both men , why not change here? " said Jackson.
" No thanks. " Amber grabbed her clothes and went into the empty changing room quickly. Jackson pushed the door before she could lock it.
" Are you leaving me here? "
" Jackson, it's your first freakin day. Stop. "
Jackson rolled his eyes and said kay then.
" What's wrong with changing together, we're both men right? He's so weird. " wondered Jackson.

" Remember to lock the doors and check the windows before leaving and now you can leave. " said Amber locking the door.
They both turned around and saw Kris lying on the wall beside next to the door.
" Oh hey Kris! I thought you left earlier... wait. Did you stay here the whole time? " asked Jackson.
" I stay here everyday to wait for someone. " said Kris looking at the dark sky trying to act cool.
" Eh. Let's not mind him. " said Amber while pushing Jackson's back. Kris followed them.
" So who were you waiting for... girlfriend? " asked Jackson. Kris gave Amber a look and looked at Jackson.
" Hmm... that's a good question. Was it my girlfriend that I was waiting for? " Kris stopped in front of the two and lowered his body to look at Amber. She hid herself in her grey beanie and continued pushing Jackson.
" Were you waiting for Remi? " asked Jackson.
Amber was silent waiting for him to answer. It was obvious what the answer was but she wanted him to answer it with his words.
" Actually... I don't know. " said Kris " Who's gonna wait for this brat. " he pulled her beanie and messed with her hair.
Soft like her heart herself. thought Kris.
" Ahh! " Amber held up her fist at him.
" Jackson, I'm getting you cake. " said Amber.
" Really? You're buying me cake? " asked Jackson. Amber nodded and grinned.

" So, what do u want? "
"That matcha one looks good... "
"that strawberry too! " said Amber and Jackson tapping on the glass looking at the cakes.
Kris stood behind them and walked to the staff.
" Give me the strawberry one please. " said Kris. He got the cake and sat on a random table nearby.
"Hi. I would like to have a matcha and a chocolate one please... thank you! " said Amber having both cakes on her hands and bringing them to the table where Kris was at.
Amber sat between Kris and Jackson. She pushed the matcha one to Jackson.
" You deserve it... for being so tolerant to this idiot. " said Amber.
" It's just you who can't be. " said Kris. Amber glared at him.
" This is yours- " said Amber and Kris at the same time, pushing the strawberry and chocolate cake to each other.
" How'd you know I want- " they both said at the same time again.
Jackson laughed. " Hahahaha... "
They both pushed the plates to each other and picked up the fork and started eating the cakes they got for each other. The situation was so awkward duh.
" Thank you. " said Amber before trying it.
Kris smirked.
And Jackson? Busy eating his cake of course.

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